Achievement 3 by @shahjahanjamot task : Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago 

Hello community, what’s up!
Time to do achievement no. 3 as I just recently got verified with achievement no. 2
Let’s get started

Plagiarism is a big crime. It is stealing someone’s work and claiming that it is your own work. There are punishments for plagiarism in school or offices.
If you steal someone’s work, you’ll never be able to recognise you strong side; that is your plus points (creativity, style, and etc) and your weak side; that is where you need some work to do so its always better to do the work on your own so that you may find your capabilities and incapabilities

The environment on steemit is pretty nice. People show their creativity and others get to learn. If someone steals, he’s easily caught and dealt with which is a nice thing about this platform.

The best thing to do is provide a source for anything that you post taken from somewhere else.
For example:


As you can see, I’ve provided the source so that everyone knows, from where I’ve taken this picture.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them

The links of my first 2 achievements are given below:

Achievement 1

Achievement 2

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Congratulations !
You have successfully completed achievement 3 on "Content Etiquette". Your next task is to complete
Achivement 4 : Applying Markdown .