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Saludos amiga @skinnygirl. Bienvenida a esta gran familia. Espero que te guste, por que es genial tener tantos amigos conocidos y aquellos que aún sin conocer. La experiencia aquí es transcendental es como estar en otro universo. Tu creatividad y el esfuerzo que realices será tu limitación. Bienvenida. Éxito en tu post


Los comienzos son un poco tediosos pero nada que un momento de dedicación, nos pueda servir para alcanzar el éxito y hacerlo bien.

Bienvenida :)

Mis queridos @tocho2 y @adeljose ¿Serían tan amables de ayudarme a verificar mi primer logro?

Gracias por su amable atención.

Dios los bendiga.

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Hey Anny @skinnygirl, greetings from India. Bienvenida a Steemit. Hope you have a great time here..

I feel beautiful and I enjoy it a lot

You are so beautiful.

Thank You.

Bienvenida amiga a esta increíble plataforma

Bienvenida amiga exelente post suerte!

Bienvenida a la increíble plataforma
#onepercent #affable #venezuela

Hola bella @skinnygirl. Espero que tu estadia aca sea increiable y llena de exitos. No olvides cumplir y respetar todas las normas de la plataforma, compartir contenido original y exclusivo para steem, tambien esperamos que cumplas todos los logros como recien llegada y tengas mucho exito.

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#affable #twopercent #venezuela #beterliffe


Gracias, amiga @amabibi2018.

Can you elaborate more on what a "Guayanesa" is? Are you genetically, culturally, and socially different from other people in Venezuela? I live about three hours north of Toronto, but the people in my community are different from Torontonians on top of any ancestral differences.

“Guayana” is one of the largest regions in territorial extension, located to the Southeast of “Venezuela”. It is comprised of the “Bolívar States”, “Delta Amacuro State” and “Amazonas State”. Its territory is located almost entirely in the “Guiana Massif”, surrounded by savannas and mountains. Its original population is comprised of various ethnic or indigenous groups. However, my mother is dark-skinned, with African descent, born in “Bolívar State”; and my father is white, with European descent, born in "Barinas State", in "Llanos Region" ("Apure State", "Guárico State" and "Barinas State"). The diversity and variety in the miscegenation means that each region has particular characteristics, especially in the way of speaking, even though they all speak Spanish. In my particular case, I am "Bolivarense" (because I was born in "Bolívar State"), but here we generalize it because we belong to that Region, calling ourselves "Guayanesas".

I suppose it is similar to me being called an "Ontarion." I live in the province of Ontario. Each province in Canada has its own distinctive flair.

Just as a "heads up", miscegenation has a negative connotation. While technically correct (mixing of races), it is typically used by people who consider it taboo. I have never witnessed a real person talking about it, but it appears in movies that promote a stereotype of how many "white" people are racist.

If you encounter more Canadian, you might be surprised that they might press you on what type of European or what type of African. There is a big difference between Spanish and Portuguese even though the countries border on each other. People from Africa are even more diverse. While identifying the country they come from it isn't exact because they have multiple tribes within each country. Many of my ancestors come from Ireland. The biggest thing that separates them is their religion.
I am actually most interested in the indigenous side of the people from your area. Are there stories or games that are unique to that area? For instance, I taught my children and their cousins a game called Mancala when they were on vacation one summer. Its origins might go back to Ancient Egypt so it really isn't traditional to my ancestry. Are there any games or traditional songs or stories unique to the "Guayanesas"?

Of course, the Zaranda is one of them. If we want to produce musical sounds, we make holes in the sides to avoid a taratatera sieve. The game consists of making her dance by means of a rope wound around the projecting end of the shaft, using a paddle that has a hole through which the cord passes. Similar to the Zaranda is the Trompo that is made to dance after being thrown to the floor after being wound with a guaral from the screw point to its most bulky round part. The game between several, consists of getting as close as possible to a line drawn on the ground.


I wonder if the Zaranda had its origins in your European ancestors or if it sprang up independently with the native people. Playing with "tops" has been recorded in Medieval Europe.
There is a game young people play in Ontario called Lacrosse. It definitely was played by the original inhabitants. It is similar to hockey in many respects except you carry a ball with Lacrosse sticks instead of hitting a puck with a hockey stick.