Achievement 4 Task | Applying Basic Markdowns | by: @suleja

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

images (22).png
image source

Greetings to all! I have done my Achievement 3 task in a long time. And now I'll be working on my Achievement 4 task, which is about some basic markdowns styles, which I'll discuss and demonstrate how to use, hope you enjoy it and stay bless.

How To Make Headers

Headers are important considerations while writing an article since they display the structure of your material and guide the reader's attention.

Begin the Header with the # sign, followed by a space, and then type your title or subheading.

In addition, the smaller the Header becomes as you add more #.

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5

Now look at the result of the markdown style below;

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5

If you observe very well, you will see that the headers were getting smaller as the # increase

How To Make a Table

Making a table can assist in demonstrating the differences and similarities between two objects. If you wish to perform any of these, the best choice is to use a table.

Past Tense | Present Tense

------ | ------

Came | Come

Ate | Eat

Now look at the result of the markdown style below;

Past TensePresent Tense

How To Make Bold Text

Make a phrase or sentence bold if you wish to attract your reader's attention to it.

Simply place the symbol ** twice at the beginning and end of the text or sentence to make it bold.

As an example;

**I'm a winner, because I want to win**

Now look at the result of the markdown style below;

I'm a winner, because I want to win

How to Quote a Text

You must appropriately quote the borrowed phrase or sentence to avoid any type of Plaigiraism.

I'd like to use one of the most well-known proverbs as an example. To do this insert the symbol > in front of the borrowed text, phrase or sentence.

For example,

>Life is Fragile and Temporary

Now look at the result of the markdown style below;

Life is Fragile and Temporary

How To Source Image

For example, I downloaded an image from Google and need to correctly cite the source because I am not the owner of the image.

For instance, the cover image I use above was downloaded on internet, so I will be using it for the example in this section of markdown.

images (22).png

As you can see, the image link is untidy; to fix it, simply use the markdown below.

[Image Source Name](Image Link)

Now look at the result of the markdown style below;

images (22).png
image source

You can easily see the difference, citing the source of the image has added to the neatness of my post. And it makes it looks fantastic.


With a rudimentary understanding of markdown styling, this is a fantastic task. Understanding markdowns is critical on Steemit because it will assist us in producing high-quality, original content that our readers will like. I've covered some of the most basic markdowns and how to apply them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and may God continue to bless each and every one of you.

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