5 Weird Things You Did Before You Were Born

in hive-172186 •  2 years ago 

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Hi! This is sarah a blogger to present you all top five thing across the globe, a researcher that provide the top five content in every field
In the 40 weeks it took to have a full-term child, your body did a few pretty strange things in the belly. Silly faces, inspiring snickers and uproarious farts If you've at any point watched a child develop and create, you know that occasionally they can do bizarre things.
Yet, don't think briefly that they didn't begin their odd tricks until after they were conceived, they had a wide range of peculiar ways of behaving while they were still in the belly. Here are a few things you certainly did while you were still in the belly:

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1. Invasion on mother body
One week after conception, you morphed into a tiny, fluid-filled sac that attached itself to the thick, sponge-like membrane in your mother's womb. The sac soon began to burrow deep into the membrane.At this point, the entire scene reminded me of a gory horror film. Cells are dying in droves, and blood vessels are bursting all over the place! Invading cells form small roots that paralyze your mother's blood vessels and rebuild them to meet their own needs.

2. The development of a tail

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It was impossible to see you becoming a human being by the beginning of week five; you began to look more like a prawn. Your tiny, transparent body curled up, head bowed down towards a long tail. The tail eventually vanished, leaving only the bony stump that hurts when you fall on your bottom.

3. Molding of fingers through mass cell suicides.
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At about a similar time as your tail showed up, little shoots became on each side of your body, which would ultimately turn into your arms and legs. The wings of a chicken or the monstrous legs of a hippopotamus get going in the very same way. Indeed, even whale undeveloped organisms show comparable looking shoots, notwithstanding the way that they develop neither arms nor legs; all things considered, their forelimbs transform into flippers, while all that remaining parts of the hindlimbs are a couple of little hard stumps.

4. Dranking of own pee
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Indeed, you read accurately. Around 10 weeks after origination you began drinking fetal water and peeing it out once more. All in all, you endured a while washing in your own pee, and as though that wasn't sufficient, in any event, drinking from this contaminated pool.
Anything that gets into your mother's blood can end up in your underwater home, and that includes the taste of the food she eats. Researchers sniffing fetal water samples from different pregnant women could easily tell who had eaten garlic, and babies seem to prefer foods their mother ate regularly during pregnancy. Sip by sip, we prepare for life in the great outdoors.

5. Overproduction of nerve cells
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Your nerve cells did not get off to an easy start. Born from stem cells deep in the brain, they embark on a winding journey to their new home.
The brain is built from the inside out, layer by layer, and even the deepest, most primitive areas of the brain are formed first. The outermost layer, responsible for the most advanced brain functions, develops late in fetal development. To reach the outer elements of the brain, nerve cells attach to support cells, which sprout long tendrils through the layers of the brain and climb like little snails navigating a blade of grass.

💕Winding Up💕

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