Achievement 3 @thushwarn| Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Hello dear friends of steemit, I hope you are all very well I have already completed my achievement number 2 and I proceed with achievement number 3


Definition of Plagiarism


defines the act of plagiarism as; “to steal and pass off ideas or words of another as one’s own”. Simply put, plagiarism is the process of taking other people’s words and/or ideas and pretending that they are your own. An alternative definition of plagiarism is forwarded by the Collins Dictionary which explains that plagiarism is the practice of using someone else’s work and pretending that it is your own. Plagiarism can also be defined as the act of deliberately trying to deceive your academic tutor by submitting content which is not your own work.source

Many times we say, but in which I could plagiarize and in reality if there are many things that we can plagiarize many times without knowledge and others with knowledge.

And there is nothing better than being creative and original to make known those good ideas that are in each of us, since we are unique beings and capable of creating quality content and making known our potential without imitating or stealing the creation of another person.

Types of plagiarism


Also known as auto-plagiarism, self-plagiarism happens when you copy your own writing, whether intentional or not. Often the person in a self-plagiarism incident is summarizing or repurposing their own work instead of writing a whole new piece from scratch on the same topic.source

Source-based plagiarism

This type of plagiarism refers to instances when misleading sources are involved. For example, the writer may have two sources of information but only reference one. Another form of source-based plagiarism would be when an author quotes a non-existent or incorrect source.source

Complete plagiarism

Complete plagiarism is more common in academic writing than in content marketing or other types of online writing. This type of plagiarism occurs when someone tries to submit an entire research paper as their own without proper attribution.source

Mosaic or patchwork plagiarism

With this type of plagiarism, the work of someone else is simply paraphrased without proper citation. It’s often difficult to detect because the plagiarized material is interwoven with many different sources, including the writer’s own ideas and perspective. source

How to avoid plagiarism?

We must be honest with ourselves and avoid being practitioners of plagiarism, it is very important that in each of our publications for this great platform and other places cite the sources and authors of content that is not ours. It is good to be original to cite a source on this great platform we must place the major sign that > and the person who owns the phrase we are quoting example.

In recent years, chiefly due to the popularity of over the internet assignment purchases, plagiarism has gotten worse. There has been a spike in plagiarism across much of the academic institutions based in the UK. Indeed in the last 3 years alone, 50,000 students have been caught plagiarising. This figure does not allow for those students who have plagiarised and not been caught, thus illustrating the scale of the problem.source

And it would look that way we must always remember to cite the sources from where we have looked for foreign content and be as authentic as possible in each of our posts and very specific so that the reader can easily reach the place where we collect the information.

I hope this post will be of great help to you and incentivize you to create quality content for this great platform waiting for your prompt response greetings.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

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