Achievement 3 Task: content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago 

Hello, fellow steemian, I would like to share with you my achievement 3 ;The Content Etiquette

What is plagiarism
There are numerous definition of plagiarism .

For simple definition:
Plagiarism is picking someone else work as your own.


People believe that by citing to the original person, then plagiarism ceased. But that is not the point of boycotting plagiarism, it still a copy content from other angle.
Base on how the content is been copied will determine the type of plagiarism it is.

Types of plagiarism

1.Direct plagiarism
2.Self plagiarism
3.Accidental plagiarism

1.Direct plagiarism:- When someone copies word to word from any content and represent that as one's work, then it is called Direct plagiarism.

2.Self plagiarism:- self plagiarism is the type of plagiarism in which one repeat his own previous work and represent that as if he has done it again.

3.Accidental plagiarism:- when someone uses general language in any content but similar content is found in someone else rather than the owner.

Sources (

Ways of Avoiding plagiarism

1.Get time to organize your own work after reading through others own.

  1. Quote the article by giving credit to the author and the make the necessary reference of the author.
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Hello @vincent91, you have pending task on achievement 2.


Thanks so much for demonstrating your knowledge on Content Etiquette. Your next task is complete achievement 4. My pleasure