What is plagiarism?
Upto my reserch, stealing someone's idea, material, writing or work is plagiarism . It means submitting one's work or idea as it is yours without taking the permission of real other or without giving any credit to the real one whom actually the work belongs . In simple words when someone take someone else's written ideas and work without including quotes, it is called plagiarism or is considered plagiarism. Mostly the problem occurs in writing is plagiarism, it is kind of fraud and theft and theft is a punishable offense and not bearable anywhere specially on steemit.
Types of plagiarism.
There are 4 types of plagiarism
Direct theft
Self theft
Mosaic theft
Accidental theft
Direct theft
Direct plagiarism is copying someone's work without giving credit or quotation to the real author . This is the worst form of theft and is also known as deliberate plagiarism. The author tries to deceives the audience by copying the works of others without proper acknowledgment.
Paraphrasing plagiarism
When someone rewrites the author's idea in his own words and presenting it as it is his own idea. This kind of theft, Without adding quotes, paraphernalia becomes paraphrasing plagiarism.
Self plagiarism
This is the kind of theft where the writer republishes a work in its entirety or reuses portions of a previously written text while authoring a new work, This is one of the most common types of theft which is famous among students . Here, the thief tries to combine some of the previous work with the new work. It is not fair to present your previous work as a new one because you have already got the credit for the job you did before.
Mosaic plagiarism
This is when thief tries to create a new content after copy and paste ideas, phrases and quotes from various sources, This involves slightly altering the structure of paragraphs, words, and sentences.
In other words it can be said as incremental theft or mosaic theft.
How to avoid plagiarism
To avoid plagiarism ,we should always try to follow these rules :
Always determine the sources before writing is first thing to keep in mind . We must always be aware of our sources from the beginning of our research. . when we know our sources, it becomes easier to check where the phrases, ideas that is to be written.
“If Opportunity doesn't Knock, Build a Door.” #source : Milton Berle.
Theft is a punishable crime and should be avoided any how specially when you are on steemit . The easiest way to avoid theft is to properly citing our sources. In my opinion of Steamite ethics, I will never ever find any fault or thefts with this violation. I'll always present my work with honesty and ethics.