Hello @alaminrabbi it is a pleasure to greet you on behalf of the entire newcorners team, this time unfortunately I must inform you that this post does not meet the necessary requirements to be verified as achievement 2 en la comunidad Newcomers' Community, remember that you must place the link of your first achievement 1 of the Newcomers' Community which must be previously verified, i advise you to review the achievement 2 of the Newcomers' Community.
You must place the link of your previously verified achievement 1
It is important that you know and be part of the #club5050, for this you must maintain during each month a balance when turning on (POWER UP) no less than 50% of your withdrawals and transfers, in this way you will be contributing to the platform and you can be considered for have the support of the steemit team, learn more here
Greetings 👍