in hive-172186 •  2 years ago  (edited)

images (5).jpeg
Plagiarism is defined as misrepresenting some other writer's dialect, opinions, or gestures as one's own original work. Plagiarism is defined differently in educational contexts depending on the university. Plagiarism is regarded as a breach of academic integrity as well as an infringement of journalistic rules. It is punishable by fines, suspended, ejection from work or school, hefty fines, and even prison sentences.

Plagiarism, in general, is not a crime in and of itself; even so, fraud, like counterfeiting, can be punished in trial for preconceptions induced by copyright violation, infringement of rights, or torts.Plagiarism and copyright copying are the same to some extent. The mischaracterization and trying to copy of a specific text as one's own work is a serious crime. Writing must have an essence, so the writer must use his and her own phrases and emotional responses to sound genuine.

Types of plagiarism
There are various types of plagiarism. The most common types of plagiarism are direct and mosaic plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism, it is critical to understand how to check for it online.

Direct Plagiarism: The most common form of plagiarism involves trying to adopt parts of another writer's writing without properly citing the source. Often, the person trying to copy from the message does not change a single word. The plagiarist can also change components of phrases or consider replacing some of the words with his or her own. However, it is also a form of plagiarism.

Mosaic Plagiarism: This is a type of unintentional plagiarism. In this case, the plagiarist may have noted the source of the subject matter he has referred to. However, if he/she fails to acknowledge the quoted portion or correctly place it within quotation marks, the author commits a crime of plagiarism.

Self-Plagiarism: Self-plagiarism is a popular type of plagiarism in which high schoolers copy and paste a portion of a submitted earlier academic paper. If an user completes the same document for 2 distinct class projects without consulting the relevant teacher, this is considered self-plagiarism. But while self-plagiarism does not often result in serious court proceedings, it can have an impact on the demonstration of academic papers and research papers.

Accidental Plagiarism: Another type of plagiarism is unintentional plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs when a plagiarist misrepresentations the words or parts of the text which he or she has chosen to take from the source material, fails to cite the source adequately, or cites the wrong source.
Causes of plagiarism.
1 low self esteem
2 laziness
How to create citing reference
All you have to do to cite a work is to add the ">" sign and a space after the sentence.
In order to cite a photo we write it as
[Source](the link to the picture)
Thank you for reading

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Hola @yulia002, te felicito, has tomado la mejor decisión. Te deseo éxito en tus nuevas tareas y en tu carrera en Steemit.

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Some parts of your Achievement Task 3 are plagiarised, please rephrase them.

Screenshot 2022-04-08 20.29.41.png

Screenshot 2022-04-08 20.27.56.png

It's has been rephrased. Thank you