Achievement 3 by @zohaibiqbal Task: Content Etiquette and Plagiarism

in hive-172186 •  4 years ago  (edited)


In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful and I hope you are all well, busy with your work and doing well at the steemit. and I'm so glad and thank you so much for verifying my achievement 2 and I'm posting to make achievement 3.In the achievement 3 the professor ask about the Content Attiquette and the plagiarism


It is something that is expressed in different ways we can express this in speech and in different ways we can also express this in our video, video, pictures and textI t is described in different ways that there are many resources that I have presented to you


Etiquette is used to perform various activities invarious platforms.It is really nessasery for the work at steemit.If we follows the content Etiquettes in the steemit platform then we can work very well.I have also read about the Etiquettes at Wikipedia and other websites of the googl.Steemit requires good Etiquettes.
If we simply talk about it then we can say that it is the way of delivering the content in the siple and easy method.


Plagiarism is a a really bad thing this mean to stollen the other's content.In the world of online network it consider to be a great crime.If we have stolen someone's contact, then it is a very serious crime.Steemit handel it in a very great way that if any one use plagiarim then his post wilk be unacceptable and after that he will be downvoted by the steemit team.The steemit will also close his account and re-create the account so it is better to stay away from this crime and committing this crime in an online network can do you a lot of harm.The content of a bloger is a hardwork and his effort.He day and nihgt work for it but if anyone stollen this content he feel very bad and disapointed.

Types of plagiarim

There are many types of plagiarism. We are just quoting a few of them.

Direct Plagiarism: It is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else's work, where the user doesn't use quotation marks or proper citation. Such deliberate actions are considered unethical and academic dishonesty.

Self-Plagiarism: This occurs when a person submits his/her own previous work or a mixture of past assignments without permission from the professors, involved.

Patch Writing: This is also called as "Mosaic Plagiarism." It occurs when a student borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks. Or s/he finds synonyms for the author's language but keeps the same general structure and meaning of the content.

Accidental Plagiarism: Such situation happens when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes them. Unintentional paraphrasing or grouping of words that match some other source may also fall under this. Cases of accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any other plagiarism.

Here is the source of this article.

As you can see it I have place the source of because I have a shortage of time because My schools declare for opening and I am getting ready for the school so please ignore it.
But I understood it very well.

Special Thanks


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Wow very nice

Great job done.
Keep doing your best.

Thanks a lot dear.
Have a nice day broo

Verified achievement 3

"Yes, I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them."

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