Announcement: unitedkingdom has been created

in hive-172475 •  3 years ago 


For the United Kingdom of Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) and Northern Ireland; News, Politics, Economics, Society, Business, Culture, discussion and anything else UK related.



  1. Posts must have substantial UK relevance.
  2. Posts referencing articles must retain the source headline/title.
  3. No surveys, polls, petitions, fundraising, or solicitation.
  4. No low-effort posts (bad quality or memes).
  5. No meta submissions.
  6. No duplicate posts.
  7. Any article presented as news must not be older than 1 month.

General Behaviour

  1. Don't be racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misandrist, misogynist or any form of prejudice.
  2. Remember the human - don't attack people or marginalised groups.
  3. Don't incite violence, harass, bully, dox, or incite the aforementioned.
  4. Don't impersonate users, or post content that sexualises minors.

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