What's my favorite flower?

in hive-172973 •  last year 

A Red Orchid Greeting

  • Nature is beautiful, amazing and humbling all at once.
    This lovely red orchid greeted me today.


Closer view


Single Flower Close up


  • I hope you enjoy the pictures. I took the with my iPhone.
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Hola está realmente hermosa

Great choice: The red orchid is a magnificent and exotic flower that is highly sought after for its beauty and symbolism. This flower has a rich red hue that is often associated with passion, love, and desire. It is also a symbol of strength and courage, making it a popular choice for those who want to convey their determination and perseverance. The red orchid is native to tropical regions and is considered a rare and exotic species. It is often used in floral arrangements and is highly prized for its unique beauty and striking color. The red orchid is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to express their deepest emotions and desires with a beautiful and meaningful flower.

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