How to Save Marriage by Resolving Financial Difficulties Before They Grow?

in hive-173434 •  2 years ago 

With today’s economy, the level of financial stress in many families has reached the breaking level and many are trying to figure out how to save a marriage when times get tough. The possibility of job loss, utility shut-offs, car repossessions, and a foreclosure is increasing across the country.

How to Save Marriage by Resolving Financial Difficulties.jpg

Even the most stable of marriages can reach a stress point that can lead to divorce proceedings. By learning a few well-intentioned techniques you can help to reduce some of the stress that is creating many problems in families across the country.

Trying to keep any issues from your children so that they do not worry is something you should not do at any time. While many children do not need to know the full details of the issues in the family you can still let them know that there are problems but that they can count on you and your spouse to make sure that they have food, clothing, and a roof over their head.

No matter how bad it is financial there are resources you can turn to to help with the financial problems you may be facing. Just as in marriage it is important to communicate with any of your creditors if you are going to have issues meeting your obligations.

That brings me to the first method in making sure that your marriage weathers any financial and emotional storms to come. From the very start of the marriage, both spouses need to communicate their needs and wants in ways that do not threaten, belittle or make demands on the other spouse. Marriage is truly an ongoing compromise day in and day out.

All decisions for the family need to take into consideration how they will affect the entire family not just one person in the family. If you or your spouse likes to participate in a particular activity that takes a significant amount of time away from the family then there needs to be an appropriate trade-off for the other spouse in terms of an activity that they want to engage in.

Talking about any financial issues that come up including possible pay cuts, job loss or issues with a mortgage or other issues is very important so that both spouses can weigh in about possible solutions to potential problems. If it is difficult for both spouses to converse with each other without escalating into an argument by yelling and throwing off things then you should consider a counselor trained in marriage issues.

If you attend a church regularly you may be able to find a qualified counselor on the church staff. Being able to talk about the issues in the family in a nonthreatening situation can help keep tempers under control so that the actual problems behind the marital strife can be addressed.

In determining how to save your marriage you need to look at your style of communication and what is really behind the problems you and your spouse are facing. By finding the root cause you can address it and make your marriage stronger.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this
The 3 mistakes that lead to divorce (it’s not too late — read this)
These days, around half of all marriages end in divorce.

That’s a pretty sad statistic… especially because so many of those divorces are preventable.

In reality, many marriages end prematurely. Why? Well, there are two reasons.

Neither spouse knows how to prevent the passion, intimacy, and romantic connection from gradually fading away.
They make the 3 “Marriage Murdering Mistakes” that very few people know about… and sadly, these 3 mistakes can quickly drive your marriage into disaster and divorce.
If you’re in this situation…

If your marriage is dead-as-a-doornail…

If you’re heading towards divorce, or even if you’re already at that point…

Then a new video by marriage coach Brad Browning will show you how to stop the downward spiral and breathe some life back into your relationship. (Brad’s a freakin’ genius, by the way.)

I wish I could force every couple experiencing a marriage crisis to watch this new video… because the strategies Brad reveals in it are extremely powerful and might be the difference between “unhappily divorced” and “happily ever after”.

The best part is that you can apply the techniques described in his video on your own… without your spouse even being aware that you’re making an effort to save the marriage.


So don’t lose hope just because your partner refuses to attend marriage counseling, or won’t put in the effort to fix the problems that are slowly eating away at your marriage.

Watch the video now by clicking here

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