This is a good non-Theistic quote that can help you begin to understand Gods.
"Before there were intelligent beings, they were possible; they had therefore possible relations, and consequently possible laws. Before laws were made, there were relations of possible justice. To say that there is nothing just or unjust, but what is commanded or forbidden by positive laws, is the same as saying that, before the describing of a circle, all the radii were not equal." -Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, Complete Works, vol. 1 (The Spirit of Laws) [1748]
Gandhi used the metaphor that if a Villager in India does not know the name of their British Governor, why should he understand God who is dissociated physically from himself in a far greater way than the Governor to the Villager. Gandhi compared it to Natural Law, which is what Newton wrote about. Zeno, the Stoic, called it "Divine Will". Jesus said it was not in the Jots and Tittles of the Law. And King Tut found it in the Heiroglyphs of Worm Eaten Scrolls. Polybius was an educated Roman Prisoner who wrote the History of Rome living to be very old for that time. He claimed the Ancients gave the people fear of Gods and Hell to control them, but that the moderns (200 BC-ish) were too rash for trying to ban them. So even some Educated Ancient people misunderstood the Gods and thought they were just stories. But Gods exist and may be invoked by Theurgy, or Mimickry. And retained through Mnemonics. Some just come regardless.
Gandhi also said that while the Villager might not know about the Governor, he knows God Rules the land.