Review about SDGs, the impacts and progress.

in hive-174400 •  3 years ago  (edited)

What is sustainable development goals(SDGs)

It is the shared responsibility by countries in the world to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequality and protect our noble planet and make it a better place by the year 2030. The sustainable Development goals is also known as the global goals. It was adopted by the United Nations(UN) in the year 2015 so that by the year 2030 all people in the world will enjoy peace and prosperity.
The sustainable Development Goals are 17 in number and are connected to each other such that if one of the goals is being implemented it affects the others and automatically triggers the others which is a very good approach in finding a solution or solutions to problems. These 17 goals are adopted by 193 countries and it can be termed as one of the golden eggs laid by the UN.
The 17 goals come in such a way that they are pointing at a hundred and sixty-nine targets which cover five areas. These areas are; Universal education, Sustainable economic growth, food security and Good health care, Gender equality and reduced inequalities. These goals serves as a guideline for most developing countries and some already developed countries. The introduction of this goals has brought about the change in direction of the world to a much better state.

Below are some of the sustainable development goals, their impact and reviews about them

No Poverty


The No Poverty goal was brought up with the aim of eradicating extreme poverty for people everywhere in the world. This goal by 2030 is estimated to reduce at least half of the poverty rate among men, women and children in the world especially in developing countries. Also this goal is targeted to setup appropriate social protection systems and agencies which will go a long way to reach out to the poor and vulnerable in areas which are known to have high poverty rates.
Since the implementation of the No Poverty goal, countries have tried to create and adopt already existing ones in order to reach out to their citizens who fall under the less than $1.9 per day. And also pension schemes are being brought up to help people who are above the retirement age which has proved to be a very good and impactful move. Furthermore, the implementation of this goal has caused a rise in maternity benefits programs and caused the increase in cash transfer schemes.
In as much as this goal is making an impact on lives there are still hindrances. A research which turned out to show that 18,000 children die globally as a result of poverty related causes. Also most people still live below the daily income rate. In my opinion I think there must be creation of awareness and education in areas which are known to have a high poverty rate and I think this will go a very long way to help in the fight against poverty.

Zero Hunger


This goal aims to end hunger and malnutrition by the year 2030. It’s a goal which is committed to the access of food which is safe, nutritious and will be sufficient to people at all times.
To be able to achieve this goal, there has to be a system which must be sustainable in the production of food and this can be the introduction of proper agricultural practices which will stand the test of time, technology and several others which will add up in making the goal achieve its target.
The fight against hunger has progressed with time and has reflected in in reports of several organizations who conducted researches on hunger. However, there are there are hindrances in this fight. An example is the reliance of small-scale farming with outmoded farming practices which are not feasible.
This goal will go a long way to make an impact even beyond 2030 if only feasible steps are taken and reforms made to keep it going. Markets must also be corrected in a sense that distortions like export subsidies be reduced are if possible removed.

Good Health and Well-being


The goal three of the SDGs is to make sure that there will be proper healthcare and well-being for all. The goal is aimed at prioritizing; reproductive health, maternal and child health, general environmental health, communicable and non-communicable diseases and the production and distribution of quality and affordable medications.
Considering maternal health in my country, there has been a drastic reduction in maternal mortality which was a very big problem in the country. This is all to say that the goal three of the SDGs has made an impact and is still making impacts in the world. Also other diseases and infections has also been eradicated all because of the implementations of the goal.
This goal can make impact even more than its having when there is investment in the sector. This will happen if more healthcare facilities are built and also investments have to be made which will go into research about communicable diseases and other infections that can be a threat to humanity like the corona virus has proven.

Quality Education


The quality education goal which I tag as the goal of the future and this is because education is the core for development and going into the future, development is key since we can stay in old mindsets and structures thinking we can go far. For this reason, education must be taken very serious.
Despite the progress this goal is making, there are still many challenges this goal faces. Again using my country as a reference, primary education is being taken very lightly and as a result kids do not get proper foundation in the educational structure which causes them to drop out at very young ages seeking fortune in different areas which I think is not the best.
In all this heat of the goal not performing, there is still hope to build the educational system. This can be achieved by motivating teachers since they are key in the developments of their students also there must be a drive to build schools and add up to infrastructure in existing ones to make students comfortable and also give an atmosphere well deserving.

Gender Equality


The gender equality goal was created to help in empowering women by creating a level ground for them to compete with their opposite gender.
Gender equality has advanced in recent times which is a plus. Some of this advances are; the access to education for the girl child, decline in child marriages and several others.
However, gender equality still remains a big challenge in most countries due to certain cultures and other factors. The goal is aimed at fighting for the rights of women and bringing on board the talks of discrimination and how to get rid of it.

Clean Water and Sanitation


Water and sanitation are things we cannot do without and hence this goal. This goal is to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Access to safe drinking water has been a challenge for about 2billion people worldwide also about 3.6 billion people lack safely managed sanitation and personal hygiene and this is very worrying. Most countries are finding it difficult to manage waste and sanitation in general which has caused the seas and oceans to be packed with waste materials.
This can be corrected by implementing proper waste recycling facilities and also create awareness about sanitation since it has serious implications.

Affordable and Clean Energy


This goal is to ensure there is access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. A quarter of the world do not use proper energy.
Talking about sustainable development growth, energy is a crucial factor in the implementing all the goals. There is still a struggle in the world on the usage of clean fuels and technologies for cooking and doing other stuffs.
This problem can be overcome when we shift to the usage of renewable energy derived from water (hydropower), sun (solar energy), biogas (energy from waste) and other alternative energy resources.

Decent Work and Economic Growth


This goal is based on the human resource of the world. This goal was created to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
This goal was performing very well until the pandemic came to cause a drop. Workers were laid off their jobs in order to keep their businesses alive. Also the world’s economy in general came down due to the pandemic.
This has been worked on even though the pandemic still stares at us, there is hope of the various economies in the world bouncing back which is good news.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


This goal is to build infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
This goal has seen a steady progress since its introduction. This goal requires a great investment by bigger economies in the world to be able to achieve the sustainable infrastructure. If the industrialization is sustained, it will give chance to the youth by creating employment opportunities for them and giving room for innovative ideas, and this will help trading activities internationally.

The SDGs are achievable if all parties come together and work collectively and together, the world will become the dream land we want it to be.


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Thanks and i will take a look at it as well

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ok i will do just that.

i have done it

Great review, thanks for participating in the contest. Hopefully more people on Steem know about the SDGs. Good Luck!!!