Contest Entry: Review About the SDGs (The SDGs In Africa)

in hive-174400 •  3 years ago  (edited)




I will first of all send my regards to @ponpase and @teukumuhas and all the @youthclub team members for organising this contest. It reminded me of my high school days when our Social Studies Tutor assigned our group to write about the SDGs. I learnt more about the SDGs during group work. Sustainable development is a unique course of improvement and satisfying our current needs without harming or compromising the needs of people in the future. When we talk about sustainable development, we need to augment our viewpoints. Sustainable development ought not be restricted to our urban communities, states or nations; rather it ought to be thought about the world in question.

We should intend to find available ways in which the international community can manage environmental concerns, share our view of persistent natural issues and the appropriate endeavors expected to manage the issues. A drawn out plan for activity during the coming years and positive objectives for the entire world as well as society. The SDGs were set up by numerous legislatures and were universally acknowledged by the United Nations (UN) in the year 2016 as the '2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development'. The primary arrangement of this program is to join every one of the countries on an all inclusive level to assemble the work to eradicate poverty, global climate issues, and the issue of inequality. It is advised that all nations take possession of setting up a body to accomplish these objectives.


The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:

GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 14: Life Below Water
GOAL 15: Life on Land
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal


Africa's Improvments With The SDGs

Africa is moving gradually in terms of achieving the SDGs. Most African nations are quickly creating and have, for as far back as many years, situated themselves on the way of development and success. The economies of some African nations have been developing throughout recent years. Some governments are improving in terms of economic management after the implementation of the SDGs.

Africa is on the way to development and improvement. Our youth have been taking a few steps in all implications. The headway of innovation in Africa has given another specialty for economic development across the landmass. We presently have startup tech companies like 54gene in Nigeria, mPharma in Ghana, Cambridge Industries in Ethiopia, and many more are jumping up pretty much consistently across the continent during this covid-19 era. Urban migration has additionally helped in the development of numerous urban communities and rural areas across the continent. These have been helping in the provision of infrastructural improvements across Africa.

Some African governments are gaining ground in advancing internal trade between themselves in this manner, lessening the taxes on labor and products from sister countries. An example is the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area with it's secretariat based in Ghana here . This will help in advancing cross-border trading and enabled numerous business visionaries since it has extended their market size. Solidarity in Africa has created numerous opportunities for governments and assisted with creating jobs for individuals. Africa is gradually improving and is perfectly situated for development. There might be a few obstacles yet to survive, which I have discussed in the next section of this presentation, but they are gaining ground towards the development and improvement of Africa.


Some Highlighted Bariers of the Sustainable Development Goals In Africa

Despite all the factors put in place to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there are still huge hurdles that disturb the progress of the SDGs. These hurdles make people lose hope of achieving the goals here. I strongly believe that, if we take a clear look at the factors and find ways and means to tackle them, it will help Africa have something to present about SDGs by the year 2030. I have shortlisted those factors below.

  1. The Issue of Poverty: Poverty is one of the hurdles that disturbes Africa on our journey to achieving the SDGs. The GDP per capita growth in Africa is generally low. How then can a nation achieve sustainability without enough money? The cause of poverty can be traced to so many factors, and it generally disturbs Africa on our way to achieving our goals. It is a fact that, majority of Africans are in rural areas and this is as a result of poverty. If the issue of poverty is handled well and reduced, it will help us achieve the goals, as I can classify it as the main barrier to achieving the goals.

  2. Rapid population growth: Yes, the population growth in Africa is increasing day in and day out and it is affecting the development of the goals. The common problems that are caused by rapid population growth are environmental degradation, food security, and limited food supply. Meanwhile, all these are goals under the SDGs. If population growth is controlled, it can greatly boast the progress of the SDGs.

  3. The problem of urbanization: The allocation of developmental projects in most African countries is based on urban areas, leaving the rural areas underdeveloped. Although it is good to allocate projects to large cities, the rural areas shouldn't be left out. This has created common problems in Africa, including lack of electricity, poor road network and insufficient water supply. Meanwhile, all these factors are supposed to be tackled in developing the SDGs.

  4. Corruption: I can't write about the barriers that disturb the progress of SDGs without including corruption. Corruption has a greater impact on a nation's development. They are everywhere around the world, but the route taken to avoid them varies from place to place. If the issue of corruption is controlled in a good way, it will drive Africa to achieve the SDGs by 2030.



There are so many ways we can improve the progress of the SDGs here in Africa. I have just highlighted the above factors for readability. It is not only the leaders in Africa who are entitled to drive the continent towards achieving its goals. Every individual has a responsibility to help achieve their goals. I think if the majority abide by the law and also practice sustainability, our mother Africa will have something to present by 2030 with regards to achieving the goals.


Supporting Sources
Africa in Focus


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Hello @salamdeen !

Thanks for your contribution and partisipation in the contest. Wish you are a winner. Enjoy..!

Regard @teukumuhas as youthclub team

Congratulations ! You Got Upvote by Youth Club Community.

Challenge : Invite Contributor for WHAT3TREES and STEEM4OCEAN - Stage 1 : Rewards 50 STEEM & 100 TRX

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Great review, thanks for participating in the contest. Hopefully more people on Steem know about the SDGs. Good Luck!!!

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