Today I am going to tell you some curious facts that I read and that I found very interesting, there are thousands but I will organize them in various posts to make them more fun and less tedious. Let's start!
The Philippines is the only country in the world where it is illegal to divorce. But just because divorce is prohibited, that does not mean that a married couple cannot separate. Couples can get what is called an annulment, but it can often be a long, expensive, and complicated process.
Milestii Mici is the largest wine cellar in the world with a length of about 200 kilometers. It is so big that to help visitors not get lost, the tunnels have names like the streets of a city.
The first basketball game in history, it was played with a soccer ball and two fruit baskets on each side of the gym as baskets.
With 2,302 bridges, Hamburg is the city with the most bridges in the world. It surpasses by far the 1,281 bridges that Amsterdam has or the 455 bridges of Venice.
The Valdivia mega-earthquake of 1960, also known as the Great Chilean earthquake, is the largest earthquake recorded in the history of the planet. The Valdivia Earthquake had a magnitude of 9.5 and lasted eight minutes and was followed by a tsunami. It caused the death of more than two thousand people and there were about two million victims. In addition, Valdivia sank 4 meters below sea level and caused the eruption of the Puyehue volcano.
Did you know that fire has no shadow?
Dalmatian dogs are not born with spots, on the contrary, their fur is white as snow. It is from the second week when the black spots begin to appear.
Did you know that in Japan people are hired to push subway passengers? In order to accommodate twice as many passengers in a subway car, stations employ uniformed personnel known as oshiya, or "pusher," whose goal is to bring as many people as possible to the subway.
The praying mantis is the only insect that only has one ear and is not in the head but in the thorax. Did you know?
The eyes exercise more than the legs. The muscles in our eyes move much more than you think ... Approximately 100,000 times a day...To give you an idea of how much that is, you should know this relationship: In order for the leg muscles to do the same amount of exercise, you should walk approximately 80 km per day.
Interesting right? I hope you liked it. I will continue collecting curious things for you to entertain yourself and talk to your friends, see you in a next post.