The tragedy that we live | La tragedia que vivimos

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

The most touched topic these days and probably for the next few days is the pandemic that we suffer from. "The Coronavirus" is not the secret that this flu has the world in enough tension. The vast majority of the world is infected, according to what I read today, no country is saved from the coronavirus, but there are few countries that already have some deaths. In my opinion, this virus was quite underestimated by many countries and reveals the negligence of many governments, that if we had taken rapid measures, there were fewer cases of contagion and many more people would continue with us today. It is quite sad to what is happening, many countries in quarantine, many people losing their relatives, many people worried that you cannot produce money to pay the rent for their home, it is sad to review the news and find cases like that of a young man Spanish who tells how a doctor approached him and told him that his father was of a very advanced age who probably would not survive and that they needed that bed for someone else with better survival statistics, have we really come to this? This young Spaniard comments that his father was orphaned at 14 years of age and that since then he has worked to support himself, support his family, work all his life for his country and his country sends him home sentencing him to death? Is that fair? is that human?
Just as in the case of this young Spaniard, there are many more around the world, perhaps better than worse, but we are all suffering a lot. I hope with all my heart that this tragedy marks a before and after, so that humanity becomes aware both of the poor and of nature. I wish you all a lot of health and may God save you from having to go through that pain of losing a family member with all your heart, I wish you the best.

El tema mas tocado estos dias y probablemente por los proximos dias es la pandemia que padecemos 'El Coronavirus' no e sun secreto que esta gripe tiene al mundo en bastante tension. El mundo en su gran mayoria esta contagiado, segun lei hoy ningun pais se salva del coronavirus pero si son pocos paises los que tienen ya algunas muertes. En mi opinion este virus fue bastante subestimado por muchos paises y deja en evidencia la negligencia de muchos gobiernos, que de haber tomado medidas rapidas fuesen muchos menos los casos de contago y hoy seguirian con nosotros muchas mas personas. Es bastante triste a lo que esta sucediendo, muchos paises en cuarentena, mcuahs personas perdiendo sus familiares, muchas personas preocupadas porque no puedes producir dinero para pagar el alquiler de su hogar,es triste revisar las noticias y encontrarte con casos como el de un joven español que cuenta como un medico se le acerco y le dijo que su padre era de una edad muy avanzanda que probablemente no sobrevivira y que necesitaban esa cama para otra persona con mejores estadisticas de supervivencia, en serio hemos llegado a esto? este joven español comenta que su padre quedo huerfano a sus 14 años de edad y que desde entonces ha trabajado para sustentarse, mantener a su familia, trabajo toda su vida para su pais y su pais lo manda a su casa sentenciandolo a muerte? Eso es algo justo? eso es algo humano?.
Asi como el caso de este joven español hay muchos mas por todo el mundo, quizas mejores quzias peores pero todos estamos sufriendo mucho. Espero de corazon que esta tragedia marque un antes y un despues, para que la humanidad tome consciencia tanto hacia las personas de pocos recursos como hacia la naturaleza. Les deseo a todos muchisima salud y que dios los libre de tener que pasar por ese dolor de perder a un familiar de todo corazon les deseo lo mejor.


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