Who Do I Follow on Steem & Why?

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

who do I follow on steem and why.pngJillWellington on Pixabay


Here's to another fun challenge started by @theycallmedan

The last one was quite nice as well, in case you missed that one, here's my entry about how Steem impacted my life. So this time Dan asks us who we follow on Steem, and of course why. These challenges where I have to pick a few people are always hard for me as I have made countless connections since I joined Steemit and all of them are (or have been) valuable for me. It's like having to pick your favorite people on the platform, how can I do so while all these connections are so diverse and good in different ways?

So I apologize in advance, if you're not in this post it doesn't mean the connection we have isn't important enough, I just had to pick three.


My sister from another mother @misslasvegas

We connected during my early days on Steemit through the @familyprotection community. At first, I had no idea that she's Dutch like me, I just thought she was a cool chick having quite a few similar "issues" in her life which we both wrote about in the community back then.

I believe when you meet people with a partially similar history that have also left their home country, you have a connection from the start. She has been supportive from the start, and I read all her posts and learned some things here and there as well. While we both chose to write about other things after a while, we didn't lose contact.


She was my language manager while I was in the Dutch translation team for Davinci / Utopian, and we also worked well together. During that time we started to chat more in private and I learned that we have a lot more in common than I originally knew, it may even be the case that we know each other from the past in real life haha. We both feel that it's quite possible that when we will finally meet, we will say "ohhhhh, it's YOU". :)

At this moment, I'm actually sending her lots of positive vibes thinking that she will get good news about a new house really soon. She's way too busy for Steemit now I think, but I know it's for a good cause. Here's to new things in life @misslasvegas!


I can't leave out @sanderjansenart in this top 3 of people I follow

Like myself, he's currently quite busy dealing with real life, and that's affecting his post count lately, but it's for a great reason! He and his girlfriend recently welcomed two baby boys in their lives, and so these little fellas are keeping them quite occupied.


Every once in a while, a new post pops up on my feed where he shows a new design he created, for example, look at his last post: click here. You can also find more of his work by going through his website. I think if you love his style, you will be amazed by the art he creates.

I don't remember when I met Sander exactly, but probably it must have been when the All Dutch server was still active on Discord. I've always admired his art but on top of that Sander is a really nice guy as well. I was very happy for him to see he was going to be a dad soon, and when he showed a picture of these two lovely little guys that were born. My timing to propose him a collaboration that has been going through my head for months was like the worst ever, but even with the worst timing, Sander responded positively to my proposal and so I'm quite excited to announce that we are going to create something very cool together.


Let's keep the details secret until we have something to show you, just keep en eye out for updates from the both of us if you're curious! I'm confident that it will be awesome! I can't wait until we have something to show you guys! Until then, hit his account with a follow if you love his art.


The last spot is reserved for new Steem flesh: @cuko

I decided that I would take this opportunity to introduce @cuko to the platform. I have tried onboarding her quite a few times int he past months while we still were hunting for Satoshi's Treasure. She never responded by joining (boohoo!) but at least she's here now! She took writing her introduction post very seriously and she's been engaging in different discord servers and communities from the moment she arrived, well done!


While many of the hunters for Satoshi's Treasure were guys, she stood out, she's funny and kind at the same time. Something that I learned just a week ago, is that she's a translator, which is pretty funny to find out that we have more in common than I knew all these months while we were only focussed on solving clues.

I didn't expect that when she'd join Steemit, she'd have an instant addiction for @splinterlands as well (sorry chica!) but she instantly found out how cool the Splinterlands community on discord is, so she will be fine. She lives in sunny Portugal btw, so I assume she will make us jealous with nice pictures in the near future whenever she's not writing about her cats or Splinterlands.

This is her caturday post if you're curious about her family of cats! They are adorable. Look out for the next Caturday as she has a few more of them to introduce to us.

Welcome to Steem @cuko! Hopefully, somewhere in the near future, you can be our tour guide in Portugal.



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Thank you for supporting @CatsMakeKittens by being a part of our community @anouk.nox.

Each CATS you purchase gets you daily upvotes from me @CatScientist as our community grows so do your rewards for being a member!

Cierto esta plataforma con esta comunidad, te encuentras con personas que te ayudan a mejorar los trabajos, es un aprendizaje diario,

Awe you're the best! I'm never too busy for Steem, I always check in but do have lots going on. Love you 😘♥️

Thank you so much for chosing me for this post! It is my pleasure to make part of these communities and I am very glad that you got me here !

No apologies for making me (and my partner) a SL addict! ahah

Yes you can wait for some sunny pictures by the sea for sure !

I am waiting for that tour @anouk.nox !

Thanks for everything girl <3