Success is a Slippery Slope

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

There you were...

badass demon on a throne.jpg
...doing your thing (whatever it may be) and suddenly, "IT" HAPPENED! What happens next? Where will the road take you? What really happened, anyway???

The answer is:

Nothing will happen, if we can't answer "THE BIG QUESTION." The answer to "THE BIG QUESTION" is the "KEY" to making "IT" happen again. Before we can introduce "THE BIG QUESTION," though, I have to tell you what "IT" is.

So, what is "IT?"

"It" is... "SUCCESS".... anything, at all...

We would all like to experience "success," right? I'm not trying to sell you anything BTW. I'm just sharing a couple of tools that I have recently put into practice. My results have been good and things are looking up. So, why not share it to help build up others in the STEEM community and anyone else who might be listening?!?! I can't find a reason, so I will continue...


So, now that we have established the meaning of, "IT", as being "success," we can introduce ourselves to, "THE BIG QUESTION."

"THE BIG QUESTION," is the "KEY" to "IT" (success.) He/she who holds this "KEY," holds the power to unlock success in their life. Have you ever played an RPG type video game? I want you to imagine that "success" is a big ugly monster in a video game. Maybe, you tried to defeat the monster before. Maybe, you tried to beat it a hundred times. You didn't give up, and finally, THE BEAST IS SLAIN! If you paid close attention to the battle, then you learned of a weakness that the beast had, and you exploited that weakness to win. If you won the battle by dumb-luck, then you may not be able to RE-CREATE the same result.

The thing is, the beast's corpse holds something that is extremely valuable.


You only need to succeed, ONE TIME, to get the key to drop, but in order to loot the body of the slain challenger, you must first answer "THE BIG QUESTION." By answering, "THE BIG QUESTION," we inherently receive the "KEY!"

So, what is "THE BIG QUESTION???"

... HOW??

"THE BIG QUESTION," is HOW!?!? If we can figure out how it is that we defeated the monster the first time, then we can defeat that ugly SOB, AGAIN!!

If we can identify the, "how," then we can RE-CREATE the same result, of success!

Whether we achieved success as dumb-luck or because we prepared and fought the beast a hundred times, there is always something to be learned. Granted, it is a lot easier to answer the HOW if we were first prepared and spent time perfecting the art of war. When we defeated the beast, we knew what happened, because we STUDIED the game and put together new game plans, over and over.

That is how we achieve OUR FIRST SUCCESS

  • We study the game
  • We come up with a game plan
  • We put our plan to work
  • Win or lose, we learn from our efforts, getting feedback from the game on how effective that our game plan was
  • We change variables and come up with a new game plan
  • We try again
  • We learn more, and we repeat the cycle

We keep doing this, until we win... We perfect our craft of war and the tools that we use. Each time we fail, our blade gets a little sharper and our armor a little thicker. Before we know it, we are Williams Wallace.


Because the goal of success is just that, FREEDOM! Freedom to enjoy life....

-Article by Jonathan Caleb Williams @badseedachemist

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very nice...

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment