This is the AAR following the exploits of the Mech Mercanary company, Bengy's Blobs in RogueTech (the complete overhaul mod of BattleTech). Earlier AARs can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.

The Blobs have decided to hang around on the Steiner system of Vindemiatrix for a little while longer. In the previous AAR, I noted how House Marik (Free Worlds League) had captured the system. However, in the meantime, House Steiner (Lyran Commonwealth) had reclaimed the system again. No doubt, this heavily contested system will change hands a few more times whilst the Blobs are visiting.
At the moment, Vindemiatrix serves as a decent challenge for the Blobs whilst serving up a nice variety of salvage. It is a place where the Blobs can camp out and start to grow the strength of the Company before venturing out into the more lucrative (and dangerous) systems of the Inner Sphere. Perhaps a gladiator fight on Solaris would also be good for fame and reputation? Next time an potential wild card ticket comes my way... I'll consider joining for the holovid fame!
Another good reason to stay is the fact that there have been sightings of Clans in the system. Clan Ice Hellion to be more specific. The Ice Hellions were not one of the major Clans to take part in the original invasion of the Inner Sphere, but invaded much later. However, by that time, the Inner Sphere were better prepared and the Ice Hellions were defeated and sent packing. It appears that there are still remnants in this sector, and their technology and OmniMechs will make prize salvage for the Blobs!
- Critical Battles
- Salvage
- New Mech Additions
Critical Battles

As mentioned in the introduction, the Ice Hellions have appeared in this system. That means that most of the Comstar missions that were originally top priority for their advanced LosTech are now less important than the ones that target the Ice Hellions. The Clan technology is leagues ahead of anything that Inner Sphere can field, and have benefited from centuries of evolution since the LosTech era.
Smashing the Ice Hellions to a pulp at every opportunity will be a good way to upgrade the general tech level of the Mechs that the Blobs are fielding.

Some of the Periphery kingdoms and warlords have also started making a showing in the sector. Their technology is primitive at best and their Mechs are pitiful patch jobs of the Inner Sphere variants, often centuries old. However, some of the larger Mechs husks are worth salvaging in order to complete the more advanced Inner Sphere (or Clan) variants on the same Chassis. Battles with the Jarnfolk tend to be one-sided slaughters though... the periphery technology is no match for the Blob's combination of advanced Inner Sphere and Clan weaponry.

Still, there are some very interesting pieces of salvage to be had in the mostly useless junk that passes for salvage from these battles. This little trophy in particular caught my eye, a head mounted Flamer that essentially turns BattleMech head into a fire breathing Dragon's Head. Definitely more ornamental than functional, but so very cool!

Not all of the Clan missions go exactly to plan. This simple drop on a Clan Burrock Star rapidly turned into a confusing close quarters battle after the Blobs accidentally dropped right ON TOP of the enemy position. This nullified the ranged advantage of the Blobs in comparison to the enemy light Mech Star, with my Snipers mixing it with the enemy Skirmishers in close quarters. A Gauss Rifle at point blank is no match for a giant Metal Axe in the face.

At this stage of the Blob's development, I thought it would be a good idea to try and ambush one of the enemy Kill Teams that drop after a successful Artillery Tagging mission. These Kill Teams were nasty battles in the past, leaving me with crippled or destroyed Mechs in exchange for some heavy and Assault class husks.
Now, the Blobs are heavier and stronger and should stand a bit stronger against a Kill Team. Still, it is a nerve-racking moment as the company takes up positions near the enemy drop zone.

... and the arrival of the enemy Kill Team. Two iconic Assault class Mechs, an Atlas and a Banshee, lead a team of four Assault Class Mechs. This will be vicious... I am aiming to down them as fast as possible with as little damage as possible. But I'm all too aware that a full salvo hit from any one of these Mechs will likely take limbs off of most of my Mechs.

Thankfully, with fast flanking and liberal use of Thumper minefields and Hydra infernos, the enemy team is shut down with overheating. Those that still are up and firing are trying to hit my two VTOLs instead of targeting the firepower of my Mechs. The shutdown Mechs are easy targets, and I take their legs out from under them with targeted shots... maximising after battle salvage!

...ooh, I can't wait to field a fully functioning Atlas!

... or a Banshee!

The change of system owners appears to have netted me some interesting rare components for my Mechs. Incendary AC10 ammo... hmmm, useful, but I don't field any Mechs with that particular flavour of Autocannon! Yet...

The Strider Husk that was completed with Ice Hellion salvage is a 40 ton Light Mech. The Blobs are moving away from the Light/Medium combat roles, so this is low on the priority lists to restore to full working order. It will be handy as a scout Mech, fielding some sighting and targeting equipment for the heavier Mechs to tag into... or maybe as a heavy artillery spotter?
This husk is missing both arms and both torso... making it a stick on legs at the moment. Should be cheap enough to repair to working condition as it still has it's engine and fusion core intact.

This Heavy (75 ton) Penetrator (unfortunately named...), was one of the Mechs that I managed to harvest from the Jarnfolk. It's a pretty primitive weapons platform with very limited hard points to equip weaponry. However, it is still worth bringing online as a possible artillery Mech or close in heavier hitter. The limited hard points just means that it will be less flexible, but that can be fixed by just mounting a really really BIG GUN!
Unforuntately, there is very little remaining of the Mech... this will be a long and expensive rebuild!

The Orion (75 tons) is a more useful platform that was completed with the Jarnfolk husks. I had already some Inner Sphere variants of the Mech in storage, and the Jarnfolk version made it possible harvest the bits and pieces to bring it to a viable husk. This will be a great Mech to field as it has decent speed and firepower. It's not an OmniMech and so the weapon hardpoints are limited..
At the moment, it is only missing two legs and a torso, so it shouldn't be too much work to bring up to speed.

... and THE BIG PRIZE! The Kill Team salvage managed to complete a full husk of a 95 ton Assault class Banshee. This is one of the largest and most lethal Mechs to ever take the field. It is known for it's iconic array of PPCs which tend to make it a walking shutdown machine, however, I think I will try to outfit it for a bit more stamina.
This is the top priority to bring online. Two legs and a torso missing... plus Fusion core is damaged. It will cost a bit... but it will be well worth it!
New Mech Additions

The 50 ton (Medium class) Blackjack is a pretty heavy hitter for it's size. Normally sporting two Autocannons, this can punch some neat holes in Mechs of a similar weight class. I have refitted this Mech with a double array of Light Gauss Rifles for a more modern and advanced take on the old formula. It took quite a bit to squeeze these larger weapons into place, and so it means that the Rifles are the only weaponry that the Mech fields. No backups...

This Lineholder (55 ton Medium) is actually a refit of the Mech that I was fielding previously. Originally outfitted with a fearsome AC20 Autocannon, it was intended to be a lethal one-hit close in brawler. However, in practice, the Mech had trouble closing the range fast enough to start landing hits with the inaccurate monster...
So, this refit gives it more firepower at a longer range. Fielding a Clan Tech Gauss Rifle and a very rare Improved Heavy Laser (also Clan Tech), this Mech now has some pretty hefty firepower that projects at a long range. Also, components that are impossible to replace if they are damaged...
Played at 1080p (144Hz) on:
Intel BX80662I76700 Core i7-6700 Prozessor (3,4GHz)
Ballistix Sport LT 16GB DDR4
Samsung 960 EVO M.2 512GB
S4 Mini Case (NFC Systems)
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