Stuck in a Steem vacuum

in hive-174578 •  4 years ago 

Attention Steem users! Yes you! Incase you didnt know we are stuck in a vacuum here where it seems the majority of content is surrounding Justin Sun and his latest antics. I do understand it is big news for us, and having conversations about it is good, but think the majority of these should happen off the chain.

If we challenge ourselves to get out of this vacuum there is a big world to blog about and share on Steem - travel, music, sports and theres even a pretty bad virus going around!


We should all really band together and focus on posting what we are interested rather than continually posting about Steem while not actually making any changes!!! If we want the masses here then what we really need is a diverse range of quality content creators. Its great to see witnesses sharing about Steem and whats going as it is kind of their 'job'. However, my feed is overwhelmed with Steem related posts.

I know we are different from other social medias, but good content is what will drive users here. Traditional social media isnt filled with internal dialogue and politics it has content on nearly every topic imaginable... check out Reddit!!!

Lets join together and #makesteemgreatagain

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I'm writing drafts for posting later. Am not going to post while Steem is under centralisation threat.

Fair enough. Who knows what is going to happen!

A humble contribution from @fenngen. If you want to support good content who are under 1 dollar worth of rewards, follow my curation trail and help small accounts grow. I upvote content related to:

  • Art
  • Poetry
  • Photography
  • Veganism
  • Spirituality
  • Self-development
  • Permaculture
  • Creativity
  • Psychology
  • Traveling
  • Blogs and vlogs
  • Anarchy
  • DIY
