
There will be some restrictions again with the movement of people particularly here in my province including the capital Manila and other provinces.
Businesses are affected as the public transportation is again not permitted to operate. So the owner of some public utility vehicles, the operator's income is in peril so I just hope that they can cope while waiting again for their work to be allowed in the coming weeks or months.
Businesses under MECQ classification will have to operate at 50% capacity so employees of such businesses if they can work online will be encouraged to do so as part of the preventive measures to contain the CoViD-19 virus. Most businesses either close down or operate with its skeletal force if the said business is essential.
The photo above tells us what kind of lockdown an area will be subjected into and it tells us the varying restrictions from a total lockdown to the still restricted wearing of masks while doing the normal activities.
So with this new lockdown type that my place will be on until things changes or improves but I guess that this will be the new normal until we get the CoViD cure in the future. I am also guessing that the vaccine if it were to be developed will require us to have a vaccine regularly just like for the flu virus because CoViD-19 virus is highly mutatable so making a vaccine for it is very hard.
It is just hard to cope with this pandemic because of the restrictions and it is uncertain if we can have a better solution and it will be worse if all of us will have to get vaccinated because the vaccine itself might be dangerous to our health too as it may cause another illness. It is better for us to listen to health authorities and not being hard-headed otherwise we will just be a part of the problem so wearing a mask when we go to out is just a very simple thing to do as well as observing proper hygiene will come a long way. We all now needed to pray for this pandemic to end because prayer works.