Briefly — on beauty and brevity

in hive-174578 •  4 years ago 

Briefly — on beauty and brevity

— original photos and brief reflections —
. @d-pend .
— — — —
. photos taken .
. with iPhone 8+ .

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All perception of beauty is momentary; something can be said to be beautiful only by virtue of its intransience. Whatever is beyond existence in space in time is not subject to concepts of beauty or nonbeauty. It is the mortal face of the beautiful which glows perceptibly with the vivacity stemming from the infinite from which it arose and to which it proceeds. Therefore beauty as we experience it is present only within time.

It is common to experience occurrences that are dragged out in a painfully languorous manner as hellish, even when at first we experienced them as pleasing. A thirty minute documentary on pollination may be intellectually stimulating, while a thirty-hour documentary on the same topic is considered pure torture.

Do we have a limited ability to appreciate beauty that needs to recharge? Is there an exhausting as well as an uplifting component of beauty? And how much does the sort of beauty which we refer to matter in the discussion? I tend to think the sort of beauty we refer to matters a great deal. Specifically, I am ruminating on the beauty present in writing.

There are times when it is possible to read pleasurably for hours on end; we are engaged and merge with the shared consciousness of the author and their total audience throughout time and the ordinary concerns of life are for a moment set aside. Other times, even one page, one paragraph is a torment and nearly impossible to digest. Is it propitiousness of timing? Compatibility of essence between the reader and the read? Degree of willingness to lose oneself? Or all of the above, which governs our joy and despair in written content?

As we seem to have come to willingness, it certainly is a great key to the perception of beauty. Theoretically, with total surrender to what really exists, we could be willing to see every single facet of experience as beautiful. After all, the perception of something being ugly is not a reality in itself so much as it is the mere lack of the perception of beauty in the thing in question.

Even, too, with the question of brevity — patience seems to increase alongside willingness. Therefore with a great love for any activity, our tolerance for lengthiness improves. This is part of the hidden blessing of growing older: that as our minds and bodies slow, our consciousness is also given the opportunity to be able to endure lengthy sessions of focus upon what is most immediate to us. The beauty within each moment shows itself to us if we are willing behold it with innocent eyes and appreciate rather than mourn its evanescence.

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. . . Created by Daniel Pendergraft . . .
. . . . and published on-chain . . . .
. . . . . .April 9, 2020. . . . . . .

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