1917: Not a movie review...Just some thoughts

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

On the weekend I saw the movie 1917, a World War One epic revolving around the journey of two young corporals of the British Army across no-mans-land in a bid to prevent a 1600-strong unit from going over the top to certain annihilation through a trap laid by the Germans.

As a guy who has studied war history for almost 40 years, focusing mainly on World War One and Two I've been eagerly awaiting this film and it certainly didn't disappoint me. I saw in it a story of human endurance and spirit, of loyalty and determination plus the folly of war. It depicted the chaos of war, and the way a battlefield can feel differently depending on what task one is about on it; The fear and uncertainty of men waiting to charge the enemy and their reluctance to place themselves in harms way and the fierce determination of the man trying to halt the advance, who places himself in harms way willing on their behalf....The dichotomy of war. src

I had heard some comments about the movie being big from a technical and cinematic perspective but lacking in the storytelling aspect however I disagree. I never listen to reviews anyway as they are often written by some pompous ass who is usually more intent upon writing some clever words and celebrating his own cleverness than seeing the movie for what it is...Entertainment.

I believe it's difficult to understand what war might be like unless one has lived through it; Sure we can hear about it, read about it and watch it but unless one was there we can't know what it is like. This is why I believe it is difficult for movies to be seen as a true or accurate representation of the story of war, because mostly we have no idea on it.

The movie 1917 was never meant to be an historical account of the war in 1917, nor could any movie be completely free of inaccuracy.

What the movie provides though, is a couple of hours of entertainment and some thought-provoking imagery and dialogue that left me thinking about the depth of the human spirit and the way a single human has the ability to achieve both great things, and terrible things side by side.

I liked the fact there seemed to be no hero at the end of the film, it fitted what I know about the war in that at its end the victors didn't feel victorious or heroic...They just wanted it to end and to go home. It felt right not to single out a person and hold them above others as I don't believe a man who lived through it would have come calling themselves a hero.

I liked the chaotic nature of a scene within a ruined village that was accompanied by some stunning images and soundtrack and the melancholy scene of a group of soldiers listening to a comrade sing a sad but beautiful song right before they marched up to the front, and probable death...The casual death of a man after trying to do a good deed for his killer...Like I said, chaos. There was much to like in this film.

I believe it was well-acted and directed and the set-design was certainly very realistic. Could I pick this film, or any film, to pieces in some quasi-intellectual manner as a film-critic may do? Sure, it's easy...Just pick on everything, use big words and finish with, Disappointing...

But this movie wasn't disappointing at all...Quite the contrary actually. Was it as good as Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk, Platoon or any number of other war movies? They are all different stories so I don't think they can be compared very well. I think the answer to that is not one a reviewer should make, or can make, for the average movie-goer...We all see things differently, just as we would all experience war differently should we be in it, and so we will see and take away different things.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to 1917 being released on TV which should only be a few months really. I'll watch it a few more times to truly understand it and how it makes me feel and will enjoy it each time. I never care what other people think of movies, I always make up my own mind and for me this movie does a magnificent job of telling the story.

I would be interested to hear your thoughts if you have seen it.

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1917 official trailer

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I only read about the first and second world war, and in reality it wasn't world war, but just some top European country having power fuss then. Though, it is normal to call it world as many African nations were relatively under the control of the European then. I will like to see the movies as well.

We must have read different books...Both wars reached to all corners of the globe, especially WW2. Still, it matters little and everyone is entitled to their own thoughts on the matter. For me, over the almost 40 years I've studied those two wars, I would say that they impacted globally. But that's just me, what do I know?.

I am considering going and seeing this as we have a few free movie tickets available. Also considering taking my father in law as he would like this kind of thing

There's some really good scenes...I liked the one in the village that starts one day and goes through to the next morning. The whole film is done in the single take style meaning it starts then finishes seemingly with no edits or breaks so it feels like you're along for the ride with the characters. Quite interesting.

I like the single take style as it flows, but can make some people feel sea sick :)

Haha, sea sick. I think you may like this one as it's doesn't glorify war, depict hero's or take sides really...It just tells a story, a fragment from the war and despite it not really being a true story it could mirror any number of scenarios that took place so feels real enough.

I'm not a big fan of official reviews and reviewers myself as they often seem to deliberately take a contrarianly opposite view as to what the general consumer would think just to look clever. I will add this one too the ball of movies I can never watch but hope to when the kids consume less time!!

It's like they want to purposely want to disagree with the general consensus and I wonder why. Maybe that little celebration of their own cleverness empowers them somehow. I don't even know anyone who reads their rubbish, but someone must. My ethos is sit down, watch movie, be lightly entertained then move on. Doesn't seem that hard.

It aint hard at all and it works!

F**k the hoity toity reviewers!

Hoity-toity is my favourite way to describe high-brow self-congratulators.

Heh heh, yup , mine too!

I haven't seen the movie, only the clips on TV. It caught my eye the first time I saw the advertisement.
I enjoyed your portrayal of the movie.

I also enjoy movies like this, and you named some good ones.
I'm sure you've seen Hacksaw Ridge, a WWII movie, one of my favorites.

Ah yes, Hacksaw Ridge...I did a post about that movie a long while back...One of the good ones. Amazing what fortitude and strength a bloke can have in his beliefs. Very powerful movie. There's been some very good war movies over the time.

I haven't seen this movie. After your compelling words, I hope to see it soon.
By the way, @badseedalchemist comes home in one day and a wake-up!! I'm so excited. Have a great day😊

I bet you're looking forward to him coming home. Will be interesting to see what he has to say about his experiences and how he'll move forward from here.

Yes, I am very much looking forward to both.

I don't know what he was in for, and don't know a lot about his life in general however what little I do know about his journey though steem makes me feel like he is on the right track. We all go through many different stages in life each of which bring us closer to who we are at given points. I hope to see him thrive from here on out. 🙂

Thank you @galenkp, your words are appreciated. He and I both are on the right track..

Good to hear.

Howdy sir galenkp! This was a great non-review. Your take on the critics is hilarious. Pompous asses. lol. This one sounds really good.

Thanks mate...Most of those critics are idiots who like the sound of their own voices. The average punter doesn't generally give a toss about , or even understand, what they have to say.

Exactly. lol...they are in their own elite world and care about things the regular joe and jill don't.

Saw it last weekend. Enjoyed the film as well. 👍🏻

Oh good, another person who liked it. I think people get too harsh on movies. Intend to see them as just a couple hours of entertainment and rarely get too judgemental.

Nice review, I loved Private Ryan and Platoon also. I'll be watching for 1917 to come out on the small screen for sure and catch it then.
Glad you are having a great weekend.

I hope you enjoy it. Many may not however it made me think about things and so I consider it a good movie..it was enjoyable and a good journey. Entertaining.

I really enjoyed it. I'd say it's near the top of my list of WW1 stuff along with Hardcore History - Blueprint for Armageddon, They Shall Not Grow Old, Gallipoli

Yes, I think it's a very good film and also one of my favourite WW1 films. I did a week long battlefield tour on the Western Front in Belgium and France and the film made me recall the emotion I felt out there. It must have been chaotic to live through it. You mention some other good films...As an Aussie Gallipoli holds certain affinity. Have you seen Kokoda? It's about the campaign in Papua New Guinea to repel the Japanese. I have trekked the Kokoda Trail personally...(Bloody hard work). The movie is worth a look.

I haven't seen that one, I'll check it out. I have an entirely different list for WWII stuff.

Worth a look. Trailer here.

But this movie wasn't disappointing at all...Quite the contrary actually. Was it as good as Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk, Platoon or any number of other war movies?

What kind of limp dicked turbo virgin forgets to include Tropic Thunder, the greatest war movie ever made, which depicts the harrowing tale of the war...on drugs. That shit is the epitome of war films, and will leave you with cum in your pants and holes in your shirt from your nipples just busting out of that shit.

Haha! I'm sitting at my work desk at 8:30am Monday morning reading this comment...Laughing out loud...Might have to head home and change my pants too...

You are right of course, Tropic Thunder is one of the greats, along with Sgt Bilko with Steve Martin of course. I don't know how I could possibly have left them out.

My bad.

I went full retard.


Appreciate your thoughts.

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Thanks mate...It was an easy movie to watch; Thought provoking and interesting throughout.

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Thank you.

Glad it was enjoyable for you :D It's one I'll probably give a miss as I already get way too many tumultuous feelings reading about wars, docos are worse and after Empire of the Sun and Saving Private Ryan I decided I definitely can't cope with movies x_x

I read reviews but I don't always listen to them XD

I understand...War movies aren't for everyone.

In my country, 1917 is associated only with the Revolution. No one is talking about WW1 this year

Oh ok, I see. Well, this post is about a movie, one that won the Golden Globe for best film recently so I suppose a few people are talking about it, but obviously not in your country. Thanks for commenting.

I heard about this movie. I'll try to find a Russian dubbing.
Thanks. that shared information.

I think there should be a dubbed version in Russian. It's quite a powerful movie.

In the Russian Federation, a restriction is imposed on the rental of imported movies in cinemas.
This should act as an incentive to attract viewers to cinemas for Russian films. But this is not happening. People go to a good movie without any special restrictions.

Ah ok I understand. Well, maybe someday you'll get to see this film as I think it's one of the better ones.

I have not read your thoughts yet. i will after i watch the film. i am excited!!

Oh that's cool...Yeah, don't read my post yet, but please let me know what you thought of the movie after you've had a look. I'm interested to hear what you thought.

yes i will indeed get back to you once i see it!

I'm looking forward to it... :)

this movie is awesome

Yes, it is. Tell me, what was your favourite part and why?

I saw it! Much much fun. The camera work was something brilliant. I could not believe how easy on the eyes the camera movement, frames, and continuousness, was the best i have seen. I have seen other movies that try for the super long takes with no edits and 1917 killed it for me!

the story and how the movie played out otherwise was what i was expecting. not too many surprises in that way but then again, i did not need for the story or script to be new or original in some new way of story telling. it's nice to see movies that feel classic amongst all the super hero shit out there. It is a ride that keeps giving. It reminds me of The Fugitive in that way! Non stop! Super fun in my mind.

Ah cool, I thought the same really. The story itself is simple but that's not the hero of the movie...The way it is shot takes that credit. I can't wait to see it again, but won't pay for it of course. There's a new one out too called Midway about the destruction of the Japanese fleet in a massive naval battle. It's also supposed to be very good. Might see that this weekend.

Glad you liked it and remembered to comment. 😁

i love your brake down of 1917 and it is spot on to how i felt it and saw it. I wanna check out Midway! sounds like another fun ride!!

Why thank you, I greatly appreciate you saying so. I'm not one of those intellectual-types, I just call it how i see it and put it into words the best I can. Midway should rock! More action than 1917 I think...Aircraft carriers, planes, battleships...What's not to like? :)