A few simple compost bays.

in hive-174578 •  4 years ago 


Just a quick post showing a few compost bays we built this week and a bit of a simple guide of how we constructed them. We are now starting to build quite a few more of these lately. They are very simple to construct, and relatively cheap considering the size of they bays that are a possibility. These 3 bays are 2m x 2m per bay, although 1.2m x 1.2m is usually a better option, as the timber we use is commonly 3.6m, and this then gives no wastage.

First thing to do is to decide on the location, size, and how many you want to build. We usually build 3 as it seams to be the most practical. The aim is to chose a size so that once the 3rd bay is full, the 1st bay has rotted down enough to use on your beds. So it’s all down to the client or gardener to make the decision on size, as they will have a better idea of the quantity’s generated. The construction starts with the 4 fence posts to dig into the corners. We usually dig a hole 18” (450mm) deep, and concrete the post into position. Making sure that they are the correct distance apart, in this case 2m, and all square to each other. We usually use postcrete to fix them into the ground, as it sets in less than 10 minutes, and then we can carry on the rest of the build straight away. You can uses standard concrete if you wish, but you will need to wait overnight for them to dry. Next step is to fix the boards on the side. We used 6” x 1” timbers as these are commonly used as fencing gravel boards, which are plentiful, and relatively cheap. When fixing the boards on, always screw them on rather than nail them. This is because nails can push out if you fill one of the bays up, and it applies pressure to side panels. It is also important to leave a 1” (25mm) gap between the boards, as this allows the compost to breath, and rot more efficiently, and evenly. Once the back and side boards are on, we fix 2 buttons to the front posts so we can slide the front boards In and out, rather than fix them permanently. This allows access for a wheel barrow into the bays, and then you can build the front panels up, as the bays fill up.

All in all, it’s a simple and effective way to build compost bays. 2 people built these in just over a day, and they will last for a couple of decades or more of maintained well.







Thank you for your interest, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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Would love to know why I’m getting downvoted for this. @Huaren.news @goodreader @dappcoder @staryao

just only for downvote back.

check your downvote on my post at first

Ok. So just to clarify, there was nothing in either of my blogs that you disagreed with, and you didn’t disagree with amount of rewards I had accumulated?

just only for downvote back.

Ok. Let me just try to understand this. So even though I have upvoted many many of your past posts in the past, some very recent, due to the fact I liked them and thought they deserved an upvote, you have never upvoted myself in return. Then I use my downvote for legitimate reasons on one of your re-steemed posts, you decide that you needed to return that one, on 2 of my blogs, which you don’t have any type of problem with? @huaren.news

当你选择“开始”使用 "downvote"在我的文章上,那么公平的,我的“downvote back”当然应该“开始”出现在你的文章上。


屏幕快照 2020-05-25 下午3.32.29.png

所以作为特例,我对你的downvote back将给予如下处理:
1) 如果你没有合理理由的情况下,你不能再出现downvote 我在steem/hive的帖子;

如果你答应上述,我将撤回能够撤回的downvote,并停止对你的downvote back。

但如果你不同意我的建议,那么我的 downvote back 会继续,并且不会再停止,包括steem/hive。

I would not worry about me, I am exiting steem for this exact reason, as so many more are. I joined because it was a community, now I am getting threats like this from people who think they can dictate the platform. This is not why I got into it originally, nor was it the rewards. I am currently powering down my account, leaving some power so I can delicate a small amount to people I believe in. I would like to say that I have supported your posts for a while now, and am shocked in your current actions towards me.

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