Finally I finished this scene in 3D, I had problems with my video card since I did not want to work with this scene ...... I tried for two days trying to see the error, but in the end nothing ........ Finally I had to work with my CPU instead of using the GPU to make the scene render work.
And as I already knew, the CPU took 3 days to do the different renders, some even took 22 hours ........ But in the end I managed to do the render, I would like to have worked a few more views in different scenes but I did not I like working with the CPU because it takes a long time to make a single image.
I hope you like this practice, sincerely I really like the end result of this scene despite the problems I had, it reminds me that I no longer play jejejejej, now I have to spend investigating and practicing ways to work better with drawing and 3D.
- Worked with:
Autodesk 3ds Max
Photoshop CC
- Preview from the program:
- Renders views in general planes and in planes of details:
Thank you very much and I hope you liked my post Greetings 😄
If you need a 3D design or illustration you can contact me or write to me by email: [email protected]