You know what's worse about this challenge? I suddenly got a notification a.k.a promo about all things I want to buy. Including thisclassic retro console NES. This piece cost 6.1$ or equal to 98,000idr as advertised below. It's affordable and definitely will help me curb my laptop and phone addiction. I'd really better of playing mario or contra. From the description they still have 110 left and I am hoping it stays that way until end of my challenge.Or else, I need to get it from somewhere and could potentially be expensive.
I turned left and right last night cause I wanted to buy that. But, I am in 14 days no spend challenge. Who knows this desire will fade ? so I am gonna see the next few weeks if I still remember about that NES console. If so, I am really getting that one after the 14 days period is over.
~ Mac