11 Natural Ways of Having More Energy

in hive-174578 •  4 years ago 

What do we define as being energy? An understandable definition would be the ability for your body to function properly without being fatigued or tiring too easily.


Many women seem to have trouble maintaining their energy levels like they did when they were teenagers. The fact is that when they become adults they do not have have the normal time of day that they used to. Their days now include working, possibly taking care of the kids, taking care of the husband, cleaning house and doing various chores.

Many other factors are also included into the lack of energy, like lack of proper food and proper nutrition. Here are some ways to keep your natural energy levels up, without paying extreme amounts of money for pills that don't even work.

1. Eat plenty: Many women don't have time to eat all day, but when they do they normally have a meal or two. However, by taking a few minutes to eat breakfast, and snack once or twice throughout the day will definitely give your body more calories it needs to stay alert.

2. Eat healthy: When you have breakfast, be careful what you eat. Instead of having white bread toast with butter in the morning, have whole wheat bread, for the whole grain, and the carbohydrates, and use a light spread, which has low or none trans fasts.

3. Get lots of sleep: Stop to relax every now and then, put something off for tomorrow, and get some rest. Go to bed early every now and then, and allow yourself to let your body rejuvenate itself. If you get more sleep, you will have more energy then when you have little sleep. You will be able to stay focused, and be able to work without passing out.

4. Stay away from stress: Stress is a natural killer of energy. When you are stressed, you spend your precious energy worrying, being nervous, and you are preoccupied with other things when your stressed. Talk about your emotions to whom they need to be discussed with, and get it off your chest. Also, make sure to do your work efficiently so you don't have your boss breathing down your neck so heavily.

5. Don't drink as much coffee: When you drink coffee, you drink caffeine, which is a depressant. It is not good to get in the habit of drinking coffee, or other items that have lots of caffeine in them. They make you alert for a short period of time, but ultimately make you feel groggy, sleepy, and tired. Instead, why not pick up some orange juice, or milk. Get that vitamin C, or calcium instead of an overload of caffeine.

6. Exercise in the morning: By exercising, you get your metabolism going, which will make your process more calories, and will give your cells and tissues more oxygen so they can process your calories faster as well. Also, when you workout, your body produces endorphins, which are a natural stimulant.

7. Get Checked up: If you haven't gone for your local checkup in a year or two, maybe it's time to go. Make sure especially if you are having a hard time maintaining energy that you let the doctor know, so they can check your thyroid, and other hormone levels to make sure that your body is working as it should.

8. Dress for success: When you dress as a professional, or dress to look good, you feel better about yourself. It does make you stay more intent, and more awake.

9. Manage your time: If you don't have much energy because you always pack your schedule full of things to do, you need to give yourself some "me" time. Especially if you find yourself without time to enjoy yourself, try to avoid doing certain things that may take up some time. For example, if you are on the web for 2 hours a day, that's two hours you could take to be with your family, or go for a walk, or cook a healthy meal.

10. Turn off your T.V. at night: When your television is on at nighttime, the light will make your body sense that it is still daytime, and you will end up normally feeling groggy, and your eyes feeling sandy. Sleep with your remote next to you, so for when you know you are going to fall asleep, press the power button and turn the T.V. off.

11. Drink plenty of fluid: It is important to drink before you actually feel thirsty, or dehydrated. When you get dehydrated, that's your body saying "whoa, now we are not getting enough water, we needed it an hour ago and still haven't gotten it." Make sure to drink things that have a high H2O content, such as water, 100% natural juice, and milk.

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