The Hunt 2020(Movie Review) - Overhyped and Unnecessary

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 


You know those type of movies where some elites use other people for sport and make them kill themselves to survive? Well, this wasn't so different, only that it had an unreal and boring story line, acting was boring and I think the movie was just quite unnecessary.

So check this out, "A couple of friends were in a group chat, someone made a joke about killing people for sport, as continuation of a previous discussion, the chat got leaked, apparently the people involved were sort of elites, meanwhile there had been internet rumours about such activities going on, internet conspiracy blew out of proportion, then one of the hunted decided to turn the tables to hunt the hunters". It was a crappy blood bath till the hunters were hunted.

The movie attempted to have a deadly atmosphere where deaths were unpredictable and gore and you're half confused all the way, accepted, the deaths were sort of unpredictable but only for the first 3 people that died, then gore became annoying. Then the main character acted by Betty Gilpin just didn't fit to me. I understand that anyone can be in the situation they found themselves, but what were the odds that Betty Gilpin will be the one to survive till the end? It took away the realistic touch.


Lastly the movie was too short, maybe out of cutting too many scenes out they cut out some good parts, the movie lasted for only about 1 hour 20mins, I don't know if they were trying to manage runtime, but scenes that could have actually helped the movie feel more interesting were simply missing.

Overall it felt like a quick shoot. If you have a lot patience like me, you will not skip through, but if you don't, the movie just got 30 minutes shorter for you. The Hunted 2020 sure sounds like a movie that should be hitting the headlines in the movie industry, but rather it is a case of "don't judge a movie by its title". Perhaps my expectations were too high, given the title, but I'm sure if you watch the trailer you might also want to give it a try.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe

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