Ah, the human heart! It can give so much, and take even more...
When I first saw them, I was captivated by da Vinci's anatomical sketches. Black lines on parchment pages, trying to draw all the details of the internal organs, the tendons and the muscles, bones, even a fetus, and all those notes around the sketch in a flowing handwriting... I was amazed!

source, from Stanford public domain
Then, I realized that he must have had a model to draw them, right?
Fortunately, this fractal needed no model and no morbid actions were taken for its creation. It is a three-lobed alien heart, pulsing in multiple dimensions, pumping life energy in non-euclidian directions. No animals or other beings were harmed!
The fractal was created in JWildFire. The background parchment is a public domain image.

Fractal Heart
by @nyarlathotepA fractal made in JWildFire
the Stars are -almost- right!