OCD Daily: Issue #541

in hive-174578 •  4 years ago 


OCD DAILY - Issue #541

Welcome to the 541st issue of @OCD Daily!

Issue #541 highlights content from six (6) Hive Content Creators! The OCD team continues its search throughout Hive to find you the undervalued gems, as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators found six (6) new pieces of original content! We strive to find works that are created by newer Hive users, that may not have the audience with which to share their quality content. @OCD strives to help provide that audience and intends to showcase Hive users who put in the extra effort to create creative, original content.

The @OCD nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work (typically from newer users). Within 24 hours that piece has been submitted from the curator to the @OCD team, curator votes are tallied, and the pieces with the most votes are included in the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work, give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!

All of the content chosen by our curators is undervalued, but there is always one piece that rises to the top. That piece is universally appreciated and valued by our curators making it OCD’s Top Nomination of the Day.


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Our top nomination of the day is from @lizelle

@lizelle has published a very timely article, not only because it's still cold and flu season, but because the current virus that has the world in tatters right now.

She shares natural remedies, in many cases that have been tried and true for millenia, but almost forgotten. Not only do these recipes help with your symptoms for the cold, flu and Covid, but for asthma as well.

I highly recommend you give this article a read, because it tells you how to use what you already have in the pantry for symptoms you could do without.

Curated by @riverflows

Onions to the Rescue - I can breathe again!


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Our next nomination of the day is from @joseacabrerav

@joseacabrerav is a musical artist specializing in using the frequency of 432 htz.

He has a theory of 7's which marries the theories of Hawkins, Newton, Ayurvedic, String Theory and Sacred Geometry together as the Theory of Everything. He then uses his music to Create healing frequencies in an attempt to test this theory.

I suggest this give this article a read and with your mind wide open. If nothing else, it's interesting, well laid out and written and he even shares his music with you. You won't be disappointed.

Curated by @riverflows

AFTER THE VIRUS: a scientific prove of A=432hz as a way to improve the inmune system. (experiment made by me)


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Our next nomination of the day is from @romeskie

Homeschooling is not easy and @romeskie wrote a post about her experience teaching her child at home over the last few weeks. There have been challenging and @romeskie would think of ways she could do to help her child to be more engaged in their sessions. Check out the video she including showing the moment her little on could read a simple sentence with minimal help.

Curated by @Travelgirl

Our Pre-Homeschooling Journey: Reading

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Our next nomination of the day is from @dizzyapple

@dizzyapple made a beautiful handmade bag using beads, and she shares details and pictures of this talented piece of craft.

Curated by @jznsamuel

NeedleWorkMonday : Beaded Sling Bag


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Our next nomination of the day is from @laurabellamy

But these are the special kind of frogs.
Few interesting images of an unusual frog spiced with some fairy tale.

Curated by @svemirac

In Which We Kiss Frogs


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Our final nomination of the day is from @fotostef

@fotostef shows off his new Photography Website he created. There are so many amazing photos in this post from animals, landscapes, food and much more to appreciate. Be sure to check out this great post full of beautiful photography.

Curated by @derangedvisions

New portfolio site! Will you give me your feedback?


This concludes today’s edition of the OCD Daily. We would like to congratulate the featured authors as well as those nominated.
We hope you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from these posts, provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a post but only some can create/build value.

Stop by tomorrow for another edition of OCD Daily!

Keep up the great work creating original content.

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

Today's post was authored by @Travelgirl

Know that your Reblog supports undervalued authors!

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"He has a theory of 7's which marries the theories of Hawkins, Newton, Ayurvedic, String Theory and Sacred Geometry together as the Theory of Everything". A few lines later it also says that it is scientifically proven.

I'm sorry, but the best thing we can do is not use the brand name of "science" to promote whatever is not science. If our artist managed to get classical mechanics married to string theory, then he should have already got a nobel prize : ]

PS: By the way I haven't heard of "Hawkins" and his theory.

no, hawking no esta en la teoria, sin emargo la musica resultado de toda la investigación esta preciosa, es infinita y contiene todas las combinaciones de musica que se pueden hacer, no tengo el nobel pero si lo que esta aqui no estaba antes en internet, me alegra de haberlo puesto en blockchain así suene a mamarrachada