Original Content Decentralized Hive statement

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello dear Steemians, it's very sad that it has come to this where this will be the last time we'll call you that but with the actions of the recent buyer of Steemit.com and a lot of stake it is safe to assume that there's nothing decentralized about Steem anymore and won't be in the future neither. Not only does that defeat the purpose of OCD but adding to that there is also censorship now without DMCA notices on the Steemit front-end and it is time to say good bye.

With every chapter ending, there's a new one beginning and this one already starts out very exciting from the first page. We've always been a community witness and our main priority has been to distribute stake as wide as possible even with the centralized Steemit stake in existence we tried our best and it was really heartwarming to see the community band together and take back so many real witnesses on top. Now we will continue to do so on the Hive blockchain where stake is already way more distributed and the chain is a lot more decentralized and has close to zero chance of being taken over in the hostile manner it has been here. Many may say this is a flaw of DPOS but our community proved that when push comes to shove it is also one of its strengths and something that makes all of this possible with how advanced our chain is compared to the rest.

I didn't just want to list all the changes so they are instead written in italics if that's all you're interested in finding out in this post.

With the ninjamined stake aside now there is a lot of new hope being generated and we are all looking forward to the future of Hive. From the snapshot tomorrow and forward the OCD team will only be nominating posts for the compilations on the Hive blockchain but we will be posting onto both blockchains until our stake here is gone. Since community goes first we will still be making good use of our voting power and trails here but seeing as that will constantly be evaporating with power downs I don't think there will be too much to curate in the near future. Content creators may also not feel as free to post here if they have to watch out what they say because a company might hide their content which is something many here today have left their prior centralized platforms for.

We will also be removing the rule of not cross-posting your own posts onto the OCD community on the Steem blockchain, so go crazy! :)

I don't think there is a lot more to say although as I started writing this I thought there would be. We will be doing some more free hand curation onto the smaller communities we are supporting on the Steem blockchain but on Hive it will remain the same for the time being until we know how much stake we have to work with if we can increase the amount of daily posts from each of the communities we can support. There, that's another change I just remembered!

Blockchain is beautiful, make the most of it and the power it gives users and stakeholders and we will see and curate you in the chain of freedom!

A big thank you to everyone for these crazy 3 years of OCD curation and distribution! This is literally the best community I've ever been part of and I can't wait to see it grow and take over the world.

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Guess it's time to start working on tomorrows post for that next chapter. Cheers!

Same here! See you on the other side!

Awesome. Looking forward to continuing the project on the Hive Blockchain.

So go crazy! :)

One step ahead of you and it has nothong to do with crossposting (or steem) 😜

See you in Hive, I'm turning my steem account into a shitposting machine until that is no longer possible.

LOL... oh, that is such a good idea! Steem shitposts... here we come.

All hail our new dear leader Justin Sun. May he rise to the top of the Chinese Communist Party!

I'm getting ahead of myself here. Better wait for Steem to be free of Hive.

"....wisdom in this strategy, there is..", as Yoda would say..

Justin Sun can totally beat Yoda in a fight!

Too soon =/


We love you @ocd. Thanks for the update so far, your support for the Steem Community 💕♨️❣️ at large. We need to move ahead and forward to the next level. Welcome Hive family 💪

Hive Five! Look forward to continue curating for OCD on the Hive blockchain!

It's gonna be a free for all!

See you on the HIVE. Looking forward to seeing the new OCD on HIVE.

This is not the end, it's just a new beginning! Success is guaranteed, if we keep working with the same creativity, discipline and motivation. Hive is born!

Thank You. See you on Hive!

welcome to the new jungle

Good to hear. If anyone was on the fence before, surely the recent censorship has to put an end to any talk of supporting both chains. The two main draws of Steem(it) were always that it was a decentralized and censorship resistant social media network. Neither of those things are true anymore, so moving to Hive is really the only choice at this point.

Hello Heivos 🤓 We will meet there.

It's time to turn the page and take a step into a much brighter future with Hive ~ It will be awesome i'm sure!

I can't wait to be a part of this new chapter! It's exciting!

It's so great to see everyone on board this new chapter and this community bonding! Thank you for all you have done here, I still remember how thrilled I was when I got my first OCD vote. See you on the other side!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This post has given me two feelings; sadness, to see our beloved blockchain in this position where most of its community member have lost their hopes for its future, hope and happiness, for moving forward with them towards a better future (I sincerely hope so) and in the direction which was, in fact, set for Steem.

Yep we all have to play the hand we have been dealt. We all did out best on Steem and we will do our best on Hive as well.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm going to miss being called a "Steemian", but we should move on... to some place better. <3 See you in HIVE.. Thanks for the non-stop support @ocd... :) I will always be grateful. Well, it's going to be an awesome new beginning for everyone. :)

PS: I love the tags! hahaha

Thank you for the information.

where stake is already way more distributed and the chain is a lot more decentralized

This is one statement I’d disagree with... but not in a bad way!

I’m beyond excited for Hive but I think it’s important to recognize that particularly in terms of reward pool distribution (not as worried about governance now!) we’re likely emerging into a less distributed phase. Hive enthusiasts will hold their airdrop and some will buy more as Steemit Inc. loyalists and short term profiteers sell, thereby consolidating Hive tokens into fewer hands. I know I hope to increase my Hive power by selling Steem for Hive! I think there are many with the same thought, which will be great for support of this early token economy, but will lead to further pooling of resources.

DApps that served as a pipeline for distributing to their communities millions of SP worth of voting power from @misterdelegation no longer have that “muscle.”

Now, more than ever we need good curation projects and every “legacy” user benefitting from this head start focused on recruiting and supporting new accounts.

I think the community features will be a huge help, but we need to be vigilant about growing the Hive and incentivizing new users!

See you in the new colony tomorrow!

I joined steemit for the very reason you mentioned.
To get away from centralised controlled web sites.

Steemit is dead long live Hive! 👍🏃 See you over there

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

My comment states my position clearly.

To get away from centralised controlled web sites.

I have a significant investment in steem and will be monitoring how things go.

Most bloggers who have been blogging for many years have seen what happens when they blog on a centralised website.

Editorial interference is not free speech and there has been a rapid rise in censorship on steemit since it was sold.

This always ends badly. This is why so many experienced bloggers have left steemit already.

I'm keeping an eye on how this thing pans out?
If things settle down and we get genuine real community minded witnesses back in the top slots then there may be a future for steemit?
The ninja mined stake has always been the biggest problem here.

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

To quotations that are dear to me, that fit this occasion:

Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes around in another form.



The think of value is that which survives the shipwreck.


See you on the other side, Acid ...


This is just the beginning of a new chapter!

I'll see ya there acid. ✅ 🐝

This is a really big step for all of us...I'm still not sure what to do...I'm here because of writing and learning new stuff but so much has changed in those months 🤦‍♀️ you guys are doing great job, and thank u for all your upvotes in the past...hope we will see us again...

Looks interesting, I might as well start posting again :D

Will Hive have tribes as well?

Farewell it's been a good run, now let's hope the airdrop of Hive token will preserve all our hard-earned crypto over all these years of posting and accumulating. It's going to be interesting today, the price of steem is already maxxing out the volatility index.

See you in Hive @ocd

Another’s historical moment and a new beginning.

All within this COVID-19... and Crypto crazy’s

It almost looks I am steroids!!!

Thank you and the team for the great curation efforts on Steem. You really kept many a content creator eager to create, me included. Let us hope that Hive will make content king again and will fulfill the promise of Steem.

Hi @ocd I have had an idea of how we can take our content with us to Hive by basically removing our content from steemit and replacing with a link and message along the lines of "original content moved to hive.io/@username by original author" but please check out my idea here https://steemit.com/hive/@gringo211985/seo-solution-for-hive-io-let-s-take-our-content-with-us and hopefully we can get this idea over to all steemians so that hive.io will rank for OUR content!!!

Trying out this comment on https://hive.blog

Long live the HIVE

Will meet in HIVE

how did you manage to get this pinned to steemit.com?! LMAO
great work, catch ya on the flipside!

Uploading image #1...

See you on Hive in the next day or so