I've been reading a good bunch of posts on the matter. And I can't help but notice a great deal of polarization on the subject. However, I cannot fail to notice a 'common denominator' in all the parties involved also.
For instance, on this handful of posts:
But more than anything, thru the comments they got in these posts.
Blows go and blows come. From one side and from the other. But the only thing that I can see crystal clear here, is the fact that most of crypto peeps seems to be all just a gang of gamblers, gamesters, bettors & speculators who likes to bluff way too much. Yeah, I already set my own position here.
But these guys who commented in these five posts above, simply can't hide the fact that most of them are merely bluffing and speculating.
Let's watch them all for a second!!
Holy crap! Is it that none of these alley's prophets can refrain to drop their FUD, speculative predictions & disingenuous quackery through their poker faces and wait at least until after March 6th, 2020 to spray something more than slightly and remotely coherent? ¡Wadda chaplet of fortune tellers!
Well, by fortune I also had the chance to read another post on Steem about other issue highly speculative at the moment. And I'm gonna predict that a tiny, a microscopic thingy fluttering out there in the air worldwide, now is gonna come here quickly to bite your ass and throw your stiff remains and journalistic bluffs to the gutter. ¿Are you ready for an interview?