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But, I’ve also seen counterculture go too far in opposition, such that we’ve responded to the bullshit with too much bullshit of our own.

For this reason, and the fact that I realised I was suffering a severe case of confirmation bias, is why I finally left all that conspiracy BS behind.

Almost every theory that propagates, needs you to ignore a whole load of evidence in order for it to make any kind of sense, with flat earth being the most extreme example of that.

I think words like slavery are very unambiguous, a slave is someone who has zero choice in which the direction of their life goes. So for someone to suggest that an Apple Watch makes the wearer a slave is laughable, because apart from not buying the thing in the first place, they can always just take it off!



Those first two sentences exemplify such a great deal of wisdom and maturity that alone represent a graduation in consciousness well-deserving of commemoration. 🙏💖

my rule of thumb, if you're not getting it for free, it's less likely to enslave you

when apple starts airdropping those watches to everyone, then I'll start getting concern

Reasonable hypothesis. 🍻

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

new age leftist tosh.

you're right in one thing: there is no difference between the smart watch and the smart phone - it matters not how you are connected to the matrix.

ps - we don't have capitalism, we have cronyism/ fascism/ plutocracy.

may 1st 1776.


That's a tough one.
Being connected has become a drug and most people want even more closeness to digial reality than what their phone brings them. Next thing you know people will get chipped in order to literally bring digital reality to their eyes. Of course, buying the watch and wearing it are your decisions, but it would be optimistic to say it wasn't slightly influenced either by Apple or by Society itself. As much as a drug addict isn't free, people who are addicted to these technologies aren't free, in my opinion. I guess we're all slave to our desires, one way or another.
Now of course it depends on the usage you have. If you're jogging every morning and use it to track your performance, that's great. If you got it to access facebook notifications faster, that's not great.

Have you ever watched the show Black Mirror on Netflix?

If not, you’d probably like it. Great show that addresses these types of relationship dynamics with technology and where we may be heading with them...

I sure did and maybe it's time to rewatch some of them. Great show indeed, and I would say that above the great scenarios they offer, the actors are simply amazing.

The spectrum between slavery and sovereignty is not one which anyone or anything outside ourselves can dictate our position upon. Rather, it is a crossroads, where the choice as to which direction we walk is dependent upon our consciousness.

knowing my own self true intention as to why I decided to wear apple smartwatch in the first place is far more important than worrying/reacting on about other's biased judgment..


This is interesting however i do feel apple has an agenda to control even though we do have a choice whether to wear the products or not

Did you cross post? Or post twice? I think I commented on this already!

Yeah, main post in OCD, but second in Cultural Revolutions as fits there. Still haven’t figured out how to “crosspost.”

It's in the three dots on steempeak.