SARS2: COVID - 19 - A Plea Letter to ALL - With Love

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Source: CDC World Map (Coronavirus spread)

Hi Steemit! I'm a fellow human, back here after a while... Expressing an urgent message in my letter to all.

I'm not going to present any statistics here, and I don't mean to alarm anybody unnecessarily, but the truth is that this novel coronavirus, named SARS 2: COVID-19 is a very fast spreading disease. As you may have observed in the news, the numbers of affected people are growing rapidly every day, and almost everywhere. None of us would have even dreamed that so many of our counterparts in different parts of our planet would get affected so quickly. So, please pay attention. Please take care.


For the sake of yourself and your loved ones, please stay indoors, work from home if possible, and absolutely avoid all non-essential contact with others and trips outside.

If you must go out then, ensure you wear your masks, whether they help in keeping the viruses out or not, they'll atleast remind you not to touch your face, and that's a big thing in itself.

Also, please carry and use hand sanitizer with 60% or above alcohol. Not 100%, because it will evaporate faster than it can kill the viruses, upwards of 60% - 75% will do.

Also, please try maintain a minimum distance of 100 cms from the next person, especially if you find them coughing, sneezing or showing any other symptoms such as fever.

Resistance to this virus has now begun on a war footing, with most countries bringing in extremely stringent measures to resist the spread.

Know about how long the virus can last outside a human host. It has got varying life spans when clinging to different materials. Few hours on clothes, about 4 hours on copper, about 6-9 days on plastic and stainless steel to name a few. Know alongside all this that the virus can be destroyed in 30 seconds with soap and water.

Avoid ACs when possible because the virus can leak through an AC vent and circulate freely.

Know that while Covid-19 is not an airborne disease, it can survive in air for upto 3 hours, or atleast that's the info I came across. Please do check with WHO, your Doctors or knowledgeable people or reputable sources on the Internet yourself.


Incubation period is anything between 1 to 27 days after which the symptoms start showing. Symptoms typically include dry cough, fever, tiredness, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain and in more serious cases, breathing difficulties leading to acute respiratory distress or pneumonia.

Obstacles to recovery:

While originally the word was out that the elderly and the very young were the ones who had a greater risk of turning critical, it has now been found that there are many cases of younger and middle aged people too who are falling critically ill. Also, the number of beds in hospitals might not be sufficient for all the incoming patients. Apart from this, one should also appreciate that the medical staff are all already working around the clock sometimes sacrificing their own lives while saving lives. Absolutely no point in adding to the already heavily existing burden.

More food for thought:

Be kind. Appreciate the medical professionals for all that they are doing. Stay at home. Isolate/respectfully maintain a distance from elderly people, and little kids anywhere and all others when you go outside. Sanitize your hands.

Please watch and share this video shared by our country's Prime Minister on how a virus spreads:

Eat healthier and develop your immune systems. Spend time with your families at home. Read books. Learn new skills, even online. Stop the virus transmission. Let's please just stop the virus!

This unexpected pandemic has catastrophic potential and can disrupt our lives and affect our livelihoods indefinitely. It already has for many unfortunate people. And for no real fault of theirs too. It is in our hands, collective hands to severely reduce the impact till a cure if found and an end is put to this novel virus. Please let's join hands together and do it for the sake of our human race and all our loved ones and for ourselves.

Love always, stay safe.

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