The current pandemic that has literally stopped the world in its tracks, has made one thing clear. No matter how small an organism is, the destructive power that it can yield is tremendous.
Throughout human history, there have been a lot of breakouts that have killed millions of people. In the modern-day, where everything is so connected and our means of transportation are more advanced than ever, the risk of spread is exponential. This is what we are experiencing at the moment.
Now, imagine that through our own activities or accidentally, some alien pathogen finds its way to our planet. It could wreak havoc on a scale that cannot be imagined. Of course, not all alien pathogens would be deadly but that's not a chance we can take.
Recently, a Stanford scientist clearly warned of risks from alien pathogens that may arise due to our endeavors in space. As humanity advances further and further into space, this risk only gets enhanced.
Need For Cautiousness
In a recent interview, Standford professor of aeronautics and astronautics Scott Hubbard said that it is unlikely that we'll discover an active life form on Mars. However, there is still a need to remain utterly cautious.
As such, the Martian samples that will be brought to Earth will be properly quarantined and even treated as though they are the Ebola virus until proven safe. This is being referred to as planetary protection.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, scientists are also worried that we might contaminate other planets by bringing Earth's pathogens to them. This could hinder our ability to study a planet in its most pristine form.
To counteract this, scientists have suggested a combination of chemical cleaning, heat sterilization, and other measures. Even the rovers and other machinery we send to other planets are decontaminated.
As government agencies like NASA and private players like SpaceX start making space more accessible and start conducting activities that we were simply not doing before, it is important to think everything through before proceeding. Life itself could be at stake.