Chronicle from a day spent at home to contain the contagion in my country.

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

As I wrote yesterday in my post, here in Italy we are following the instruction to contain the covid-19 contagion. We are all under restrictions and we have to stay at home for the most part of the time. We can go out just for work, for the needed like to buy food or for our health, to walk for a bit to breath fresh air just for few time and just if we stay to the right distance from other ones.

Going to work (in the bookshop of my friend), I have to say that in my city people understood the importance to follow these rules and all around I watch just few people (the most part of them wear the mask, but it's almost impossibe to find a mask to buy now), everyone respected the distance, inside the pharmacy and the food shop can enter just few people at the same time (using the right distance). The teacher are teaching to the students on the online platform and using skype.

Everyone of us is doing all the possible and, to give hope to each others, we are using the social media to send hugs and positive thoughts. Today I want to talk to you about an ordinary day during this time of restriction, becaue we are strong and yes, we can do it!

I started my day as usual: drinking a cup of hot coffee and reading some news online. Sure, during this time all the news here (but I think everywhere it's the same) are about the covid-19, but this thing help me to stay in alert. During this day the bookshop is open, but just few time at day for the "background" activities like to receive the parcel that arrive, to prepare the book to send (we are sending the book that people buy online from us, so they can stay safe at home) and to take some video to share. Maybe in the next days we'll close to the public and we could do everything online.

When I go out I wear the mask (I'm lucky, because I had some masks in the lab), because even if I'm in good health I want to be sure to take care of other ones. I walk paying attention to stay far from people, but I admmit I feel myself safe just when I'm inside my home and my lab.

After the lunch I breath the fresh air in my backyard (yes, I'm lucky because I have a backyard where I can stay safe) with my cat, under the sun:

My hubby used the time to adjust the shed (and it was really time to do it ^_^ ) and I cleaned around. While we were in the garden, an old lady on the garden close to our one (at the right distance, sure) started to talk to us about the situation. It was touching, because I thought that old people who have to stay lonely at home could have some relaxing moment just talking from garden from garden (or from window to window), it's a way to feel themselves not lonely during this time. I safe way to do it.

It was around the 4.00 PM and my hubby had to go to work for a couple of hours, but sure, I stayed at home and now I started a new painting, thining about how I'm lucky because I can do the most part of my work at home, safe and taking care of myself:

Sure, it's hard to stay at home al the time and don't have contact with other people, but we can do it. All together we can do it.

Remember, even if in your country the virus looks so far: wash your hands, stay at the rigt distance from people and stay in alert. Remember: prevention is better than cure.

At the next,


silvia beneforti

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on Artfinder ( ) and on Etsy ( ).  If you're interested to buy one of my artworks for steem or SBD, you can contact me here or my Homesteaderscoop shop ( ) ^_^ ****

silvia beneforti
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In Poland they decided to close all schools and universities today. It is not as bad as in Italy. Less than 100 cases so far. But I am glad they play safe.
What I think it is important not to panic, just be cautious about the whole situation and make sure you act responsibly.

Hope all ends fast.

Here the shools and universities was closed about 7-10 days ago, but day by day other restrinctions came, at forst for just the first areas of contagion, 2 days afo for all the country. It's the important is no panic and I'm pretty sure following the rules everything will be ok in just few time (I tink in few months, not few days). It's not a sacrifice, because all we have to do it's stay at home. I'm a freelance, so it will be hard for my wallet, but to stop the contagion it's the only way and so,as you wrote, everyone of us has to make sure to act responsibly. ^^ Hugs ^^

kfhu2f.png HalfBlueWonkie is offer you some flowers to enlighten your days 😉 😊

Manually curated by the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

No need to respond on my other comment, this tells me all. Keep safe.

No need to respond
On my other comment, this
Tells me all. Keep safe.

                 - slobberchops

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