" Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking". This statement by Steve Jobs is an arrow of motivation, and yes, most of the time you might have been motivated by similar statements while you felt stranded in life, or were seeking a cause for thriving towards your goal. However, the question is, how many times you were satisfied by the action or the outcome taken by such motivation? The other major question that connects to this is, did you really take the action with an inner aspiration? The inner aspiration might have various attributes as such skills, happiness, health, a problem, self-satisfaction, or any attributes from the strata of motivation. While the action is the bottom of an iceberg, that layers the foundation for the top i.e. goal.

During this pandemic, the situation to be optimistic for the future clicked by aspirations has motivated many of us towards achieving the everyday goals. Now, if you looked the outcome might be the better future, driven by your own personal aspiration, and that has been making you do certain work. From making a pizza to creating a startup the foundation of motivation is the same, and the motivational process is the same. But, yes the only thing that varies is the span of a hurdle, patience, perseverance, and other attributes affecting the ultimate goal. Here's where the mindset comes for action. You might be busy making certain cuisine or planning for your future business. The mindset is your aspirations, your measurements to the outcome, and desire to thrive for your goal. I believe happiness can be connected with family, your loved ones, or your desire. Now, if you divide the goal in each fraction and connect with aspiration, then even calling your loved ones distant away, your to-do list of life and happiness, daily work, business, and everything you have been targeting a goal can be achieved with joy and satisfaction.
The pandemic is likely to bring the economic crisis, work on your goal of happiness, life, and prosperity with inner aspiration. That's the ultimate mindset
Stay Safe. Take Care.