A year, dangerous code and an orca between

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

Well, is anyone posting about anything else than Steem? lols, that'd be silly, as no one cares about anything else at the moment. Yes, I know some people care about other stuff. For example, I went out and bought more food to put in the cupboard for mostly my daughter, as it looks like Corona madness is going to be coming ton Finland, and I FOMO'd and got her some more supplies. We now have a few weeks of food for her I reckon, not much for us. However, the apartment building is full of old people, so if Corona really hits, there will be food available soon enough. Too dark?

Perhaps this lockdown on Steem is giving me cabin fever and maybe soon I will be going cannibal like those Rugby players in that plane crash way back when. Although, I am pretty sure this Corona stuff is nonsense to affect the markets - just think about how much a very narrow selection of people must be making.

Anyway, onto Steem...

Rumour has it that the Tron Team fed code to Huobi that forced them to power up and vote and if that happened, does that mean that Binance had the same code? Would be interesting to think that the implemented code from Steemit Inc that could very well have been malicious. Wouldn't the exchanges be putting themselves at quite a bit of risk? As they say, the biggest security flaw, is human.

People tend to overestimate their ability to assess risk, and underestimate others ability to be malicious. I have brought this up a few times now, most people who want to get rid of downvotes on Steem do not spend their time out in the wider community. Steem is like a city, and while there are the affluent suburbs about, there are also the cesspools of human misery, in the form of spam, scam and various kinds of abuse.

Perhaps that there should be another inflation pool added into the mix called "The Cesspool" that gets allocated to all of the accounts that are bad actors on Steem. Tokenize abuse - "I'm a Cess Whale!!" It might actually work, as if they think it holds value, they will try and maximize their holdings and therefore distribute it to themselves. It could be like a traceable isotope dye that works its way into the hands of assholes.

Speaking of assholes...

Well, I will leave that one there, because I think this community has experienced enough assholery over the last four years, and this latest bout seems to be the last straw - and the camel's back is absolutely knackered. I think the patience is wearing thin and at some point, people will snap and make rash decisions just to get some kind of an outcome, no mater what it is. It is a common side-effect when under pressure as many people are run-and-gun'ers and would rather go out blazing than play the long-game. It is why there are so many meltdowns on Steem.

Talking of meltdowns. I came across a funny comment today that got me thinking. The comment was from a constantly bitter user who was complaining about the scoring of a voluntary game being rigged, and how illegal it was -which was another illegal thing happening on Steem that she has reported.


If Steem is doing illegal things and one not only knowingly participates, but also takes reward for that participation, doesn't that make them an accessory of some kind, an accomplice in a crime? It kind of feels like a looter calling the police on another looter because they had taken the last big 4K screen, and that's not fair!

Steem isn't doing anything illegal, at least not where I live. And for those who say, "but in the US where Steemit is registered..." Where do you think the blockchain resides? Who do you think owns the blockchain? Well... interesting question...

Because pretty soon if Justin Sun gets his way and hardforks the chain in the manner he has and takes control of it completely, I guess he would own this version of Steem, and if he orchestrated the takeover through potentially illegal methods and used other registered corporations as either accomplices or stooges, I guess... he would be liable as the owner of the Steem blockchain?

He did buy Steemit which is incorporated in the US and he did use the Steemit Inc stake to commandeer and centralize ownership, meaning that the chain would then fall under US laws, as it is no longer decentralized. That'd suck if he broke laws in order to get control and then therefore became liable for his actions based on the US laws. I wonder if he did insert potentially malicious code into Huobi in order to attack the chain, would his Steemit Inc company be liable for prosecution?

I have no idea, I am not a lawyer, nor do I really care about having some state get involved with Steem i any way, shape or form, but I wonder what would come of it if they did prosecute. As far as any other US witness is concerned, I do not think they have broken any laws in what they have done, including the temporary freezing of assets, as ownership wasn't transferred in any way. Again though, I am not a lawyer, so this is all just conjecture.


You want to know something funny?

On this day last year I had precisely 40,000 Steem Power

Right now, I am a full Orca account larger with a bit over 90,000 Steem Power. It is funny because I have worked so hard the last few years to get to this point on and off Steem, I have been pushing so hard through the bear market, at work and the constant negativity to be here - and now, some asshole is trying to centralize the blockchain....

Oh, I remember the day I reached 40K because it was symbolic - I also turned 40 at the time. An hour ago, I officially turned a year older - yet, none the wiser.

At this rate, I will probably get Corona Virus for my birthday.

[ a Steem original ]


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I’m annoyed with myself for wasting so much time with that person you speak of!

90000, that’s a fine effort, and it’d be a real pity if all the work was for nout.

Anyway, many happy returns!

Yeah me too. After spending probably quite a few hundred hours on those kinds of people, my resolution is to just ignore or have some fun with them. It is funny how they stay here, being so bitter... Masochists I guess.

Yepz will be annoying if it all amounts to nothing, but I knew the risks.



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most people who want to get rid of downvotes on Steem do not spend their time out in the wider community.

Totally fact. I spend a lot of time here people watching. In silence. Always lurking in the shadows.

I've been doing my best to at least try to stay out of the drama and STEEM posts. Sometimes I fail. But it's your birthday. Happy birthday dude.

As long as when you watch me your hands are above the belt line... Who an I kidding, I like the attention.

The drama is okay to watch and even be part of from time to time, but it is also good to disengage for a bit. As you know.

Cheers. I think I am meant to take cake to work tomorrow. I have a few cans of tuna...

Actually, the screen is on the wall way over there and the keys on my lap. I don't think I could type above the belt line. Cramps. You know how it is.

After fighting bidbots, I lost a lot of that spark. It's hard for me to go out there now and lay it all down as I see it. I'm paying close attention though. I know exactly where I stand. More news everyday. Sticking to the facts, avoiding the opinions. The talk of forking away breaks my heart though. I've accepted I've lost everything I worked for. Blah. Life!

Have yourself a good day.

The talk of forking away breaks my heart though. I've accepted I've lost everything I worked for. Blah. Life!

Don't get too broken yet, there is still some time to go :)

Always expect the worst. That way, if the worst happens, it doesn't hurt as bad because you were prepared. If you're wrong, those warm fuzzy feelings you get are amplified. Instead of getting the gift you asked for, your getting everything you didn't know you wanted, as a surprise.

Listen. That sounded way better in my head.

Oh forgot.


Asher will punish me if I don't distribute enough of these.

Me I post about stuff other than steem because yes XD

Okay so in my latest post I acknowledged my annoyance and what I did but what's about as far as I got

Too dark? Kinda, but well if they're dead they won't need their food anymore right? Though their poor relatives might want it for the apocalypse? :|

Rumour has it that the Tron Team fed code to Huobi that forced them to power up and vote and if that happened, does that mean that Binance had the same code?

How even o_O

People tend to overestimate their ability to assess risk, and underestimate others ability to be malicious

I know quite well that I blunder into everything thank you ;D

It is funny because I have worked so hard the last few years to get to this point on and off Steem, I have been pushing so hard through the bear market, at work and the constant negativity to be here - and now, some asshole is trying to centralize the blockchain....

It's depressingly like meatspace isn't it. You work your arse off, feel like you're getting somewhere (wherever "there" may be) and then realise it's either amounting to nothing or some arsehole merrily swoops in and destroys everything because well they're entitled to because they spent money.

Totally haven't been there done that with hostile takeovers of websites previously, but they were normal websites, I'm not bitter at all, just slightly salty ;D

Don't get any coronavirii for your birthday :)


Though their poor relatives might want it for the apocalypse?

They should have cared more about the elderly. It is mine now.

How even o_O

If true, it is a huge thing.

If you have money, you are entitled to be an arse it seems....

Thank you for the cake!!


Well Happy Birthday. More people have died of the regular plain old vanilla flavor of flu so far this season than of the corona virus. Just keep up with normal flu precautions and things should stay safe. I am glad I live in an area where people are not panic buying, and are generally stocked up getting prepped for break-up type weather. The only empty missing items in our local little store was rubbing alcohol, and that's no real problem because you can always go to the liquor store for 151 Bacardi rum to wash your hands.

The weak will die from any flu.

and that's no real problem because you can always go to the liquor store for 151 Bacardi rum to wash your hands

Or just get really drunk and watch the apocalypse from the window :D


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Well, is anyone posting about anything else than Steem? lols, that'd be silly, as no one cares about anything else at the moment.

I am. Mainly because I'm clueless when it comes to steem.

It doesn't stop many others fro posting about it :D


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Happy bday @tarazkp! Hope you and the fam stay safe, while the world decides on whether to end or not lol This lock down is getting me kind of anxious too, so hopefully someone shoots the first shot and we can move on with our lives lol

Cheers mate.

Lol yeah... Just get it over with. Won't be long... Be patient.

Talk about motivation. I think you're a marathon runner, so a milestone's another victory. Happy birthday, Taraz. I think I should reconsider my vigor for blogging, because sometimes I can find myself.. dragging my feet. If anything, I can chase after you.

Don't chase me, you will end up lost in the forest :D


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Damn arseholes. Happy Birthday and congrats on a awesome year.

Hey... that's not the way you spell ass in California


Perhaps that there should be another inflation pool added into the mix called "The Cesspool" that gets allocated to all of the accounts that are bad actors on Steem. Tokenize abuse - "I'm a Cess Whale!!" It might actually work, as if they think it holds value, they will try and maximize their holdings and therefore distribute it to themselves. It could be like a traceable isotope dye that works its way into the hands of assholes.

Hah! That could seriously happen once SMTs are rolled out and the global content reward pool is eliminated, perhaps a few years from now. What will happen then is that all the separate pools will have to find buying pressure on their tokens from external exchanges or from real use cases. Good luck finding buyers for a cess token. But hey, know knows! We all know people on Steem who really seem to enjoy wallowing in filth...

I have thought about it a little and I think it would be quite an interesting way to order content based on the combination of a few tokens used as oracles :)


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I'm on this big project for three more weeks and for that reason very little time to be active here. Try to keep informed as much as I can and to at least read most of who I follow. Commenting comes in second place, but yet wanted to at least congratulate you with you birthday.
Take care dude.

Cheers mate. yeah it is a bit of a mess at the moment. Looks like we will have to start meeting in the real world... but not shake hands as you know.. Flu. :D


I'm too stubborn to give in. I will keep posting about recycling to the tune of $1 and sob myself to sleep as a sentence from an out-of posting retirement witness trends at $120.

Well, is anyone posting about anything else than Steem? lols, that'd be silly, as no one cares about anything else at the moment.

Yep, there is a bit of crazy going on, but then, this is STeem and it is an attention economy - the attention is generally where there is potential gain or loss.


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I think in this situation, that Justin Sun aka Tron should sell their Steem Stake thru a public auction. After Justin Sun bought the Ninja mine Stake and didn't even understood the Steem mechanics, community or agreements I think he should just admit it was a bad decision and try to sell the ninja stake in the best possible way.
He could advertise it that Steem becomes more decentralized by selling the Stake to private investors who believe in the new course of Steem.
I hope that we see something like this otherwise we have to deal with reckless dumping or another big investor with bad intentions.

I have mentioned a buyback with the community having first options in stages. While it would be expensive, at least the stake is gone and distributed to the investing community.

Why should we not focus on bringing in new investors instead of giving the old users again a purchase advantage?

We now have a few weeks of food for her I reckon, not much for us.

A couple of months worth of rice and beans is dirt cheap. 😉

However, the apartment building is full of old people, so if Corona really hits, there will be food available soon enough. Too dark?

There’s a lot to be said for mentally running various scenarios in advance of when they might happen.

Rice we have, my daughter and wife can't eat the beans... too bad for them :)

I like the running of scenarios, whether plausible or not, it is a good way to explore the mind as well as innovate.

@null|Mr. Sun

would be an interesting start for the next evolution of Steem for sure.

Speaking of assholes...

thanks, reminded me to buy some toilet paper :)

Is there any left?

lol, i though it was all a joke until my wife went shopping. One pack limit per customer :)

Curry is off the menu.

Happy birthday.

Cheers mate. Hope you are well.

as long as you do not get actual corona for your birthday its all good... Its not really beer you know... so happy corona free birthday

From the reports from hospital workers close to us, it is under-reported in the city and it is likely to spread fast. Gonna be an interesting few weeks.

Thanks for the Corona-free birthday wishes - it is about the best present at the moment :)


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Yeah they should make the cesspool like negative seems they need to get rid of to gain access to their liquid steem. Make them do good to drain the swamp! lol

lol, that would be kind of interesting :)

Happy Birthday!



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Is anyone posting about anything else than Steem?

I do :) Today we enjoyed a lot in Holi, the great color festival. Corona could not stop us, though it slowed down a bit.

Is this where the coloured powders are thrown?


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Yes, not only colored powders, but liquid colors that won't go for days. This year it was a bit slow. Funny that many shops were selling saying their stocks are from last year, so that people will believe that there is no Corona in it :) This time I brought some easy colors that went away.

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Congratulations you Forca (full orca)! I'm still a Tripod (30k SP) and yes, I made up my alternative steemboard rankings haha!

Maybe only 1 year on to get from 40 to 41 years but probably has felt like you're 90 after the events that have happened on steem in the last 12 months. Bloody hell, even I have grey hairs popping up and I am part time on here lol!

I do continue to post pictures, not Tron/Sun's takeover saga.

I am posting lots about other things.... thanks

This is quite weird:


Well, is anyone posting about anything else than Steem? lols, that'd be silly, as no one cares about anything else at the moment.

But why three comments?

Typing on the bus. Had a few different thoughts
Must take time to draft a full some report. Steem is not twitter

You should not be worried about the Coronavirus in Finland..... I fact Finland Already has the cure. I wrote about it a few days ago. Oh well ....

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Happy birthday @tarazkp. I do post about things other than steem. Infact, Today we celebrated Holi festival here in India. So glad to see your birthday on the same day.