Over-invested and ready to lose

in hive-174578 •  5 years ago 

What is an investing mindset? I don't really know since I have not deep experience from my past in this area, but I am trying to develop the mental and emotional skillset required to be prepared for any eventuality. Like anything in life, the largest hurdle to overcome is fear and in investing, the core of this is the fer of loss of what is invested. But, I would say that this is driven by a cluster of other fears, including self-esteem and ego. No one likes to lose and we dislike it twice as much as we like winning - loss is not the opposite of gain, there is a psychological asymmetry in it.

Fear is healthy, it keeps us safe in many ways, but we have to be able to distinguish where it is helpful and where it is a hindrance. Overcoming fear doesn't mean being fearless, it just means being able to perform well under the conditions of fear, think clearly, make good decisions, act with clarity and intention.

One of the games that I play and have mentioned before is Psychological Pyromania where I vividly imagine terrible scenarios and slowly trap myself in them. I find it therapeutic to get to a point where there is nowhere left to go, nowhere to run, no more avoidance - just acceptance.

I have been doing this for a while and I believe that it has helped my investment strategy and tempered my emotional response to loss. It has helped overcome the fears that have held me back in the past while giving me the tools to think and act well under pressure. While not for everyone and especially those who might have psychological issues already, I do recommend the less feint of heart to give the process a go, especially those who invest their time, effort and money into uncertainty.

The uncertainty of Steem and crypto is what gives it the immense upside potential and as soon as that uncertainty fades, the early adopter phase moves into the foundation building stage, the cementing of the industry. Then the masses arrive for real as the average person is risk averse and is uncomfortable in uncertainty - but once they have a foundation to build upon, they will by land and make their home.

Steem is a massive digital landscape of prime real estate designed for the average person to call home. You may not see it yet as for the untrained eye, there is just a lot of bare earth, but that is what a land developer is looking for - open space.

Dealing with investing into uncertainty means facing the fear of potential loss and what I have found through my little game is that the best way to mitigate the emotional reactions of loss - is to accept that it already happened. Yes, I imagine that I have already lost everything I own countless times and in multiple ways. I have imagined that keys fail, exchanges crash and the entire Steem network breaks beyond repair.

I have accepted that I have lost everything I own. And I am okay.

The "I am okay" part is vital in the acceptance, no matter the damage that may have been done. I am okay means that it is possible to move on from whatever loss incurred and move again, try again, invest again. As you might imagine, this potentially covers more than the loss of money and so it should, as the systems used to process loss and create fear aren't topic unique, it is the same network, the same brain.

Pre-acceptance doesn't mean that I would be happy to lose it all, it just means that if it did happen, I am prepared to process and move on faster than if I hadn't thought about it prior. The speed of recovery is a skill in itself and why some will outperform others in times of stress as they have the resources available to act instead of sitting on the back foot. There is the investment quote about buying when there is blood in the streets, even if it is your own and this speaks of resource availability.

To buy, you need resources, and I see that beyond the economic, our personal mindset is a resource that we have employed and trained to work for us, or ignored with a high potential it will work against us by succumbing to fear, freezing when we need to move.

We are all prepared for the good times as we have played them out 1000 times in our head. Where the largest amount of potential lays however is in the negatives, the down periods, the bear markets. This is where the grind happens, this is where a developer takes that space and lays the infrastructure for a city - even if it is not yet in the awareness of the future residents.

Are you ready to lose it all?

[ a Steem original ]

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hi @tarazkp, .. in my own experience iv found the phycological hurdle to be the greatest. acceptance that you were wrong on a decision and then taking immediate action to close positions was my Achilles heel, .. once i accepted that things automatically changed, it was the missing piece for me. You've done some great articles on investing / steem / psychology.

What do you mean automatically changed?

You've done some great articles on investing / steem / psychology.

Thanks, it is not my forte, but I am learning and it helps me understand better.

@tarazkp, everything else was more or less correct with my trading strategy, however i had a tendency to not accept what the market was sometimes telling me, .. that I was clearly wrong about a decision that i made. Once this acceptance became one of the bedrocks of my trading i.e - i don't control the market.. i took smaller losses, which ultimately reflects on the balance sheet.

Ah okay. It is something that I still have to learn with a few coins as I have the tendency to hold far too long. Thanks for the clarity. =)


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There's something so FREE about giving a lot to something and not being invested as to whether it comes back. An "I have enough and it's all good" mindset is a wonderful beginning for superb investment, for then there is no panic, no drama, no pressure and just a sense of playful ease. And into that space, the best things are created and have room to grow.

Nice piece - I saw it on twitter. :) Thank you.

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Nice summary about fear and trading.
Cut the looser and let the winners run, it sounds so easy but in fact it is hard mental work.
great job resteem

Posted via Steemleo

I struggle with the cut the losses part every time.

Cheers for the RS.

Yes another major problem, because one heavy looser destroy a lot of work.
My problem is to sit out a correction, but i try to learn it.
Each trading style have positive and negative things, best is to separate each method in a single account.

Posted via Steemleo

Interesting to think about... made me realize that I have already "lost everything" several times in my adult life, all the way to homelessness and living on a park bench in my 20's; two bankruptcies (grateful "debtors' prison" no longer exists!) that stripped me down to a car and some clothes... and yes, I am still alive and kicking, although the reality of having been through that perhaps makes me a little more wary of playing the scenarios in my head... a little too real.

But yeah, I am ready...

The best (and perhaps only) teacher in life is experience and when you know you have survived hard times in the past, the fear of the future lessens. I have never been homeless, but it has come close.

debtors prison....

It is all gonna be uphill from here, in a good way :)

Looking like it. Should be a fun ride.

I find it therapeutic to get to a point where there is nowhere left to go, nowhere to run, no more avoidance - just acceptance.

Maybe the best and perfect moment to lend an ear to our lucid dreams. :D

I used to be able to dram more lucidly, these days I barely remember my dreams at all. Lack of sleep I guess - no time for playing around :)

I barely remember my dreams at all. Lack of sleep I guess

Hahaha yeah, you know I'm well aware of your current lack of time for playing around with lucid dreams. After all I'm kind of a master juggler of the crafty ancient art of "Defensive Pessimism" :)

I am more in this area

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end

Yep, there are also many famous quotes in these same areas. :)

"Those who are not willing to make mistakes or
have made mistakes and have not yet learned from them,
are those who wake up every morning
and continue to make the same mistakes"

“I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure”

Mae West

I always pick the hotter one.

tis hot?

Doesn't every guy like Jessica Rabbit?

I didn't know there was a term for it but I am glad to know there is as that is pretty much what I do

Which term? The psychological pyromania? It is a coining of my own invention afaik :)

That's the one and I likes it!!

I am! I don't wish it to happen, but, I'm ready to roll the bones~! I'm all in and even though I don't have nearly what you have, I will feel just as happy or a tad sad if it goes the other way. We all know that this is one of those games where you have to be ready to win big or lose big. Therein is the rush.

We are lined up and ready to make this place shake!

Let's go!


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