RE: Let's Make a Collage #30 - A Contest for All Creatives on Steem - Community Announcement!

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Let's Make a Collage #30 - A Contest for All Creatives on Steem - Community Announcement!

in hive-174695 •  5 years ago 

Hi @shaka,
Had a little trouble this morning loading the post...between my network incompetence and blockchain disorder, things were a little rough. However, the window has opened, and here's my entry. Not sure I did the tagging correctly. I tried.

shaka 2020 trees gif 4.gif

Thank you for the fun!

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🥉Congratulations @agmoore, your entry won the third place in LMAC Round #30! 👏👏👏
A power-up of 10 SP will will arrive in your account shortly!

I missed the vote! Thank you @shaka. @borjan's was in a class by itself. I agree with you. Sending him the 8 liquid steem in my wallet. He is so gracious and talented.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to create, and share. I never made a GIF before participating in your contest. Now I decorate everything with GIFs, even comments :))

Thank you @agmoore, that's very generous of you. And I agree, @borjan 's entry is once again an amazing piece of art. I'm glad to read that the LMAC could motivate you to explore new things - that's the best what this contest can achieve :)

Best wishes!

Thank you ! ! !

P1920352 samo malo.jpg

People - you are amazing ! Definitely !

🌝 🐈 🐈

Thank you for your entry @agmoore. That was a difficult day to get something on-chain ;)

It seems that you have posted your entry with an LMAC tag yet not to the LMAC community, so I will try to to get it there by cross-posting. Let's see how this works...

Hi @shaka,
I thought I did that, but just as I was posting the whole thing went down. For a minute I wondered if I did something drastically wrong and locked myself out of the blockchain :))
I will school myself better on posting in the communities, and cross posting. This is a new era and I must learn. Glad we're all here and hope blockchain drama works out for the best.

Yes, lets hope that Steem will be able to survive all this...