The diarygame/Betterlife: 9/06/2021 Hospitalized

in hive-175065 •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone hope you are all doing great
Today has been a fair day to me
I woke up early in the morning and I was feeling very weak my back was hurting a lot that I could not even lift my legs from my bed to the floor I decided to call my baby sister to help me out and she rushed to immediately
My Mum was so scared and she asked me what was paining me and I explained to her that I was having a lot of back pain and headache so she was like first go freshen up and then I will take you to the hospital. I did has she had told me I even didn’t have breakfast because I was feeling like throwing up and I didn’t want to eat anything
We boarded a motorcycle and went to the hospital which took us twenty minutes to reach the hospital I then went to the doctors room and explained to him what was paining me and he forwarded me to the laboratory for a blood test
They tested me and I was found with malaria plus and typhoid
The doctor asked the nurses to inject me so that I can get better I was put on a canular and they also injected some medicine in my veins and atleast am now feeling better compared to the way I was in the morning
My brothers and sister came along to visit me at the hospital and I was happy to see them



At around 3pm we boarded back home after my treatments and I thank God that am now feeling better but tired because am only using the left hand yet am meant to use my right hand but it’s where they injected but I will be fine soon

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Sorry sweetie your going to be fine.

Amen dear

Ohh sorry dear,buh u will be fine soon ,sickness cant shaken u