Hello friends, it a good day so far and we bless the Lord for keeping us alive🤗💃🕺.
Yes! I know and believe that most of us get angry at times 😠😠🤭. You feeling like burning in your chest, you talk a lot of words just because of the anger you feel inside, some just burst into tears without saying a word to let out the anger. Others just fight or kill to full fill their anger desire because of being it's slave🤦.
There are many things that lead someone into getting angry for example being provoked by others, losing things or some people that we love mention it all........Yes it's okay to get angry sometimes 😏 but do you know how to control your anger🤷?????
When angry sometimes you say out hurting words that you were not supposed to say but just because of that burning in your chest and pain, you let them out without thinking about their impact😞. Yet they would not hurt if there we said when not angry but given like a suggestion or point of view🤷.
Controlling our anger saves a lot, some people become enemies with their friends or best friends just because of poor anger management others lose their lives, they commit suicide just to get over the anger they have and some kill those who made them angry 🤦.
Dear friends please let's always learn to control our anger because we are stepping backwards in our lives whenever we feel angry and do not want to let go. "Don't be a slave to anger" we always worsen situations instead of making them better.
One can control their anger by first coming down immediately after being angered then thinking on what to do or say and trust me, you will save a lot at that time because it will allow you to take control over that anger😉. And when you just call for God's guidance by that time 🤗🤗🤗🤗 Oh God it becomes magical😇you find yourself in control and everything turns out to be great.
Always and always be in charge of that anger my dear friend because your too blessed by God for such to put you down. Learn how to let go and you will be a winner 💃.
Thank you for reading, be Blessed 😇😘.