End of year marketing actions.

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

Everyone agrees that time flies too quickly! For SMEs, as for all entrepreneurs, the end of the year presents many faces - from the most pleasant to the less pleasant - and is often an obstacle course.


It's always time for the accounts and the financial report
It is generally the period of (small) gifts to thank customers
It's the hunt for special offers and promotions to end the year in style
Year ending is a nice possibility to increase our contact and together celebration.
It is ideally the time to plan and announce the actions of the months to come.
It helps in deciding new business strategies in respect to past year.
I will spare you the usual list of typical marketing actions at this time of the year. Either way, it's (almost) too late for most of them. Your cards and other small gifts are ready to go, I'm sure. You have surely planned a little extra for your employees and your premises are adorned with festive colors. This is the final rush to deliver all your orders before the holidays. And you long for the calm of the last week to breathe a bit, rest and prepare for the rest.

And your communication?
Are you, like so many others, perplexed by the whirlwind of changes shaking up marketing communications? Are you more traditional or have you plunged headlong into social networks? Are you social, local, mobile ( SoLoMo ) or do you prefer face-to-face, phone and email communication? Are you SMART or do you act on instinct according to the circumstances?

In the U.S a recent study showed that while 20% of consumers use social media to communicate with companies, 70% prefer email, 35% opt for the phone and 40% get in touch via a form on the site. company web.

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