Generation G and marketing strategies

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

Almost every day, we hear about Generation X, Y or Z. And, over and over again, we end up focusing on the differences between each other rather than looking at how to build, together, a future where everyone finds their place. .


Generations defination.

The X consists of born 1961 and 1981. To succeed in life, we are told that this generation clung to his post and was trying to climb the ladder.

The Y generation , so-called digital natives born between 1981 and 1996 grew at the pace of the Internet and computers. We are assured that this generation is questioning everything, destroying existing models, revolutionizing the way a product is sold and privileging creativity, innovation, and nerve.

Finally, Generation Z, also called Generation C, brings together all those born after 1996. This generation, permanently connected, evolves at the frantic pace of mobile technology and the social web. The future will soon tell us how she will approach the world of work.

G for Generosity
Unlike generations X, Y or Z, generation G is not defined according to demographic or sociological criteria. It is made up of individuals of all ages - consumers and citizens - for whom generosity, exchange and attention to others are elements of personal satisfaction .

A Article published a feature called Generation G , which presented generosity as a state of mind that is increasingly present in society and in businesses. This provides a framework for reading consumer behavior and expectations built not on refusal criteria but on positive aspirations .

Thus, the growing disgust of consumers towards selfishness and greed and its dire consequences on the economy coincides with the emergence of a web culture fueled by individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate.

Generation G does not seek its social status in consumption but rather in responsible, civic behavior, turned towards others. The need to be recognized for who you are and what you do is not new. But it comes back and settles in force under the effects of habits acquired on the Internet: exchange, free, contribution to a community, etc.

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Hey friend @adityajainxds, thanks for letting me know the existence of the G generation, I had no knowledge of this classification in which I think I would like to tell me.

In fact, what a beautiful world it would be if we were all part of that generation ...

greetings bro

hello @adityajainxds,
I belong to that beautiful generation that grew up with technology, it is true that one of the values that most defines generation G is generosity, because the main engine that drives us to consume is collaboration, that is to say that we prefer products and services where we can interact with the seller, we like to know that companies are responsible, on the other hand generation Z is a generation that consumes knowledge quickly, for them it matters more what is fashionable or trendy without thinking much about the future, for them what matters is what is fashionable.

Greetings @ adityajainxds

All the generations marked their patterns and some were more successful than others, however today with the digital revolution all are doomed to be able to adapt to not be forgotten.
By the way I am from generation (X), hehehehehehehe

Very interesting publication that you share with us

Different generations with different attribute and characteristics, all the xyz and G are still actively concern with the happening of the world so let all join hand together and make this world a better place.

@tipu curate

I am surprised that you have the date of 1961 as a start date for gen X, I thought it was a few years after that. I strive to be included in gen G as do many of my friends and family