Part 3 (3/3) How to drive away visitors to your site?

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

This is the final part of the driving visitor to your website.

9 stale news

Even if your site is full of useful information, updating it regularly is the surest way to retain your visitors. The Internet user who has bookmarked your site and who comes back 3 or 6 months later to find ... the same news as the last time, may well never come back.
when it comes to real-time news, make sure your data is fresh. And if you publish an article on a topic that is evolving rapidly, don't forget to edit it in due time. Your site is the showcase of your know-how: show that you are up to the task in all circumstances.

Trick : establishing a publication calendar makes it possible to keep in mind all the subjects dealt with, to supplement or update them, but also to vary the themes according to the news or the interest of your audience.


10 An (im) mobile design

If we talk more and more about " responsive design ", it is because it is now vital that your site automatically adapts to the size of the screen you are using. As a direct consequence of the advent of mobile internet, the type of terminal used (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and the way to understand the site depends on the context - when traveling, at home, in appointments or in the office - and technical constraints - touch screens, slow internet speed, etc.

Tip : Test the look of your site on multiple devices and for different screen sizes. And if you want to know more about "responsive design", I advise you to read the post from useaddict or thealsacréation tutorial .

11 unfulfilled promises

Finally, the most important point for your business: don't make promises that you won't keep. For example: do not offer a newsletter that will go unheeded or go out after two or three mailings. Likewise, don't start a series of articles on a topic without going beyond the first post. If you integrate "call-to-action" to your site - to request an offer, download an e-book or offer a free audit - take care of your responses and respond to requests as quickly as possible.

Tip : In many cases, it is the quality of your service that will make the difference. Your responsiveness and the attention you pay to your readers will be the first tangible signs of your entrepreneurial attitude. Your speed and efficiency are your best assets.

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Hi @adityajainxds ,
of all the things that keep people away from a website I think the most infuriating are the promises that can not be fulfilled, many sites mislead with headlines that promise something and when you enter the only thing there is a lot of information that is rubbish and that from my point of view is a great lack of respect for the user that the only thing that achieves is to waste time.

Interesting points raised. thank you

Hello friend, I think they are good tips, especially the one about promises, no one wants to be unfulfilled in what they promise. Greetings and thanks for sharing!

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