Visualisation Marketing : the power of the image.

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Dear Steemit Community

Holiday season started and you all preparing for your vacation with whole lot of celebration and rhymes. And many of you will be taking out cameras and video cameras to capture these magical moments in order to prolong the pleasure and nourish your memories.


Visual imagination is always their in hearts of everyone who are living in modern life
More and more efficient cameras now equip all smartphones and tablets. Digital photos and videos have invaded our daily lives. And the social web is further accelerating the movement through the simplicity and pleasure of sharing on social networks.

In marketing, the image has always occupied a place of choice.
In the market the first glance of the product decide it's acceptance with the customer it should be very beautiful to give appealing features.

New visual trends
900% increase in Google searches for the term Infographics in two years
From its launch, Google+ relied on a more visual interface , with larger images. Facebook quickly followed with its new timeline.
The web design has changed dramatically over the past 24 months with increasing emphasis videos and pictures.

Ecommerce company focused on the image of the product with all the zoom features and clearity of the photo so that people can see a good image.
With details analysis of the product.
Finally, data visualization tools and applications are proliferating.

People have changed their preference of looking to the brand in different manner , now they need a different way of promoting which can impression their inner voice and tell them to purchase the product.

In the few decades marketing has changed from print media to social media and visualisation of reality is a new trending.

Currently company are spending huge amount of money and manpower to generate a good and classic ads to attract the new customers.

Currently we have seen apple and Tesla this is how it is changing the new world and it's requirements.

Image Credit : 1

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Hello @adityajainxds
Today we see that to acquire a team the most important thing is the configuration of the camera as everything has become easier to just take a picture and send it at the time. At the product level, the visual plays an important role for its sale as the most attractive is the most sold in many cases. Greetings!

Hi @adityajainxds
The reality is that the world has become increasingly visual. The ease of having a good handheld camera with your phone has made this an increasingly "real" reality.
Short videos and strong images are taking over everything now, and that trend continues to grow.

Hi @adityajainxds Seasonal vacation marketing depends a lot on the images you use, attractive, sun or beach, planes and trains are what we usually see, but nowadays some project the pleasurable feeling of traveling in their marketing messages.