Why You are Not As Productive and Creative as you Want Daily

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 


Being constantly tired is one feeling a lot of people have to deal with every day even after setting a long to do list and a set of things expected to be accomplished. Being tired is something inevitable but it isn’t good for the business of success, so how do you get the business of success going without getting tired but rather reach the peak.

Lack of Proper Sleep

The less the sleep, the less the productivity, a lot of people do not know this, they feel they are very busy and do not have time for proper rest but the more the rest up to 8 hours daily the better and more productive the work. Also, sleeping at odd times can interrupt the human ability to handle decisions, and work on productivity.

Dehydration makes you tired

I was reading through a research yesterday and I saw that lack of water is responsible for a lot of people who are tired while planning to achieve a goal source. Water is needed to think clearly and improve body metabolism. Hydration is very important in the body but getting hydrated with the help of energy drinks, caffeine, and sugar could give energy but these energy is short and comes with weakness afterwards.

No Calories and VItamins

When you do not have enough calories to provide energy (ATP), your body becomes worn out and you are unable to think straight. ATP is important for any human activity so it is good to keep calories moderate by eating meals. You need a lot of vitamins and when you lack them, you start to feel tired.

Too much Coffee and Energy Drinks

This is one thing a lot of us are used to, taking 5 cans of red bull or monster in a day just to keep the energy level in us awake but while these drinks keep us awake, they also make us feel extra weak when they wear off.

No proper exercise

Proper exercise wakes up the neural system and the neural system is needed to think and to transfer information from one part of the body to another. Doing workout, running, jogging and other type of exercise.

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Hello @ajewa
Certainly you have described important aspects to consider for the general care of the organism and generate a greater yield.
However, in relation to what you say about sleep is relative, because each person has a particular cycle, in many places they say that a human being needs a minimum of 8 hours to rest, however, I need 5-6 hours for it, more than that is very difficult to sleep, and I get up very well.
There are those who need more than 8 hours, even 10, and some nap during the day.

Hello friend, good points, the body and the brain need to rest in order to work better, in my case sometimes I think I sleep too much. Hydration is fundamental as well as exercise, although very few people practice it, it is impressive all the benefits it can offer us. Greetings.

good article, one of most limiting is the lack exercise


The human body needs rest, and that way it will work better, in my case I rest very little and I feel exhausted, hydration is fundamental in our lives, exercise, there are many things that help us have better health.

Thank you for sharing such important content.