Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Implemented in the Medical Field

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Good morning to all the members of steemit.

Today I come to talk about artificial intelligence implemented in the area of medicine.


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Artificial intelligence and augmented reality are technologies that are part of the MedTech sector that will surely be the biggest innovation in the health branch, with the many benefits that this idea will bring.

For this idea there is still some time to go, but I assure you that many are anxious for such an advance to reach every part of the world because, with this, the errors in surgeries would be smaller, at the time of any operation or diagnosis of a pathology there would be no problem at all.


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Robotics has had a spectacular advance, especially in surgeries, which have benefited from the use of increasingly precise robots with greater possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, as well as assistance in patient rehabilitation and function replacement.

To improve the quality of people, it is a matter of providing tools so that the patient can be the master of his or her own pathology. According to Miguel Ángel González, Doctor and director of this sector, "To achieve the objectives set, the sector relies on the latest technologies. The industry's main assets range from "medical robotics to artificial intelligence, including 3D printing and implant design".


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Not left behind is the issue of intelligent prostheses, which allow to replace in a more effective way the part of the body already lost, which is sought to be as comfortable as possible AND that more closely resembles it.

And in the somewhat distant future we want to implement tissues, made with nanotechnology and artificial organs, but for that much more study is needed, but so far it is a great beginning of something very big.

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When technology, science and human creative power come together, the limits are infinite. Very interesting article @ajfernandez, it allows us to see how advanced current medical techniques are and how artistic intelligence would be a guarantee of success in medical treatments.

It occurs to me that if we combine the factor of high-tech medical materials with the potential of the blockchain for recording and data management, we could be talking about robot doctors with access to all the information on possible treatments and previous procedures carried out, I think it would be the threshold to a real revolution in the medical sector, don't you think?

best regards

good friend @karupanocitizen, from what I was reading that is one of the things they want to do, to have direct access to the network, to have first hand information, thus further reducing the possible risks in any surgery.